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We Discovered the Real Reason China is so Ugly

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From North to South, Chinese cities largely look the same. But why? We find out.

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Location –
Mohe, Heilongjiang, China

⚫Watch Conquering Northern China
10,000 km. on motorcycles across China’s unexplored northern provinces. The Russian border, Inner Mongolia, and even North Korea!

ADV Podcasts – Our live weekly China current events show

Living in China for so long, we would like to share some of the comparisons that we have found between China and the west, and shed some light on the situation.

⚫ Watch Conquering Southern China NOW!
Winston and I ride 5000 km across 5 Chinese provinces and discover crazy food, people and customs!

Music -Cartoon Feat. Jüri Pootsman – I remember u

Grain/concrete articles –

Risk Watch: Burning Grain Reserves Expose China’s Food Crisis





  1. So can I ask you guys where are you now I mean are you in China are you. Have you been subject to the lockdowns.?

  2. I sounds like it would be very boring to tour around China. If everything looks the same, then why bother?

  3. To paraphrase my Social Studies teacher on Communism "Nᴏ sʜᴏᴇʟᴇss. Aʟʟ ʙʀᴏᴡɴ sʜᴏᴇs."

  4. Thank you very much for your show. I miss riding motorcycles. I'd be curious as to which bikes you most loved?

  5. Eh… listen… there are some bad neighborhoods in Seattle that look like trash in some sense in the industrial / George town area. Sometimes as bad as this. Sometimes better. Depends on the street. So… we could do better here.

  6. guys, interesting channel, just wanted to let you know that for people with certain vision or brain conditions, the length of the speeded up motor cycle travel as a backdrop can cause it to be unwatchable because it can cause headaches, eyestrain or nausea.

  7. They say the old culture and buildings still exist in Taiwan. But i suppose you cant have a Taiwan stamp in your passport if you live in China?

  8. Say what you will about Falun Gong, they at least appear to be trying to preserve and promote pre-Communist Chinese culture.

  9. 4:00 I can confirm, as a guy living in south eastern Pennsylvania, a lot of buildings here are very old and clearly European inspired, and even the more modern buildings (which could mean anything since the general feel spans every decade since 1900) still look eastern US.

    Edit: For instance, my house specifically was built in 1920.

  10. The concrete building look horrible even when new. In Florida all the private single family homes must be made now in concrete blocks ( due to new code after hurricane Andrew in early 1990's. but they must be painted and the outside when dirty you have to pressure clean off the mold and stuff. China is so wasteful and I read or heard somewhere that China used more concrete in 2 years ( 2010 -2012) then the USA used from 1901 to 2010. Most of these ugly building probably will not make it past 20 years either ( or should I say be safe to live in if they make it past that time). But China has had more bridge collapse in 5 years then the USA has in the past 100 years also. There attitude that everything is good enough is why you buy a T-shirt from China and you wash it the first time and most of the color of the shirt went with the rinse water and half the stitching is falling apart. I hate buying Chinese goods and would rather pay more to have something well made in the USA where some people still have some pride in there work and see life more than just money. But when you limit family size, limit what you can do, limit and know anything you do to help yourself could be just wiped out by the government any day they wish, makes China a horrible place to live. In some ways I think it is worse for rhe Chinese then N Korea or Russia due to there technology being used to such extremes. Especially those who grew up in the last 20 years and saw the government be little more open only to have everyone be nothing but a Q code today. For example many of those who protest last few days over the fact they have just had it. are finding the cops knocking down there door the next day because the cameras not only look at facial feature, but how you walk and even sound like. Basically in China you not only have to give the government your normal stuff like your ID but also, fingerprints, DNA and a voice recording. About the only thing they do not keep track of is how many time you pooped today. Basically someone need to totally hack China government surveillance systems and totally mess it up. We do not even bother to collect DNA of our military ( even though they could say they were collecting for body ID) but if the body is that bad they can do after the fact when there is a need. Also most people would not signed up if they had to go to such length to join.. Yes you give up some of your personal freedom when you join but with a volunteer military it is about making sure everyone gets trained so they can get back home so that yelling and crap is to put stress on recruits to learn to block it out the noise and to pay attention to what needs to be done.. Because in combat you are going to have been lot more to deal with then some drill Sgt yelling at you with a voice he lost long ago. Some of these guys never really get there voices totally back because they did damage to their vocal cords by not yelling properly. It is sort of like someone who does not know how to breath correctly when singing. But those drill SGT are not screaming because they think it is fun. They are doing it so you can do your job so you qnd your buddies get home. Which is another topic about how the Russian treat their own troops in Ukraine. Most of them will freeze to death in there Fox holes.

  11. I doubt the rest of the world aren't. Standardization, mass producing were born originally in the west in the result of industrialization.
    People have mistaken as if you live in the opposite state to the soceity like China. China is just an extreme example that reflects the modern world we all live in.

  12. You are right about the Chinese mentality of not maintaing buildings and having no regard for the exterior aethtics of a building or business. I can think of several restaurants and eateries in Auckland, New Zealand that have not seen so much as a lick of paint in 40 years or since they were built around that time. All the signage has peeled and faded. One is a block of shops that looks terrible and just drags the neighbourhood down to look like an impoverished ghetto. I have commented on this observation to the shopkeepers who lease them and they complain how the landlord who ALSO runs his own bakery there just doesn't care and refuses to do any upgrades. Another thing I notice is how Chinese restaurants and takeaway bars think nothing of storing unsightly items such as dirty mops and buckets or their bags of bulk flour or anything that would normally kept well out of sight in the back in the front windows or other visible areas in full view of the public.

  13. You guys missed out not doing the hwy 101 loop in WA around the olympic penninsula . Not to mention I have 3 honda trail 90's to share and explore the countryside . Offer still stands . I have a '79 Honda CB750L for the road and thousands of safe miles . Washington is the Evergreen State . TY Stay AWESOME !

  14. I don't think the dialos diluted over time. Architecture throughout the world changed and i think the Chinese buildings changed along with it. There was a counter reaction to ornamentation and residences were designed according to architectural ratios instead so in the US you saw "ranch" style houses and similar simple concrete block houses lacking even raised stucco window surrounds. It has swung back a little, thank goodness. It's a pretty blue, too bad they couldn't appropriately blend it in with the rest of the bldg.

  15. Same as in the former Soviet Union. Soulless gov and soulless buildings.
    Soulless ideology. Thank you Marx and Lenin.

  16. There seems to be some thing in Asia where they build a modular style home with no side decoration, assuming another modular will be slotted in either side. But it never happens so they look pretty silly

  17. You missed talking about people. I can not distinguish one guy from the other in China. They all look the same. A cookie cutter concept?

    Native People traditionally have lived in parallel with interpretations of Spiritually, associated to their life style: globally the same has been done, but left behind without trying to really adapt to changing circumstances. Dialectics have furthered the distances between theories and feelings: in this type of environment the role of science and technology have been amplified attempting coups against any traditional images of God!

  19. Some parts of China aren't ugly. It's just that for the sake of prosperity, they heavily converted their country from an agricultural country to an industrialized country in just a few decades.

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