
How to Make LEAF MOLD – What to do with your Fallen Leaves – Improve Poor Soil for Free

Every autumn as our trees lose their leaves, we’re all conditioned to bag them up and put them at the front of the drive to be taken away. But what if there is a better way to use them? Creating leaf mold require nothing more than a bit of know how, some hard work and patience. The ending result is one of the best soil amendments that can help improve poor clay or rocky soils. By using leaf mold you can avoid buying mulch or other soil amendments. But rather use what Mother Nature has provided you in your garden.


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  1. Leaf mold is garden gold! A few years ago, we put shredded leaves on top of our garden beds (cardboard sheeting and wood mulch) and watered down the leaves to keep them in place. The next Spring/Summer we were rewarded with beautiful blooms as if we have fertilized the entire bed, but it was simply adding the wet shredded leaves. Amazing!

  2. Fallen leaves are habitat for numerous insects, mammals, and birds. When we rake up and dispose of fallen leaves, by bagging or burning, we are exterminating thousands of beneficial insects and removing food sources and hiding places as well. I would leave the leaves at least until May of the next year, and at that time would use them as garden compost.

  3. Had a neighbor that would 'swipe' everyone's bagged leaves from the curbside & Buried her Garden every Fall. sometimes leaving the bags closed to speed up the comp.

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