Japanese Garden

[4K] 日本の庭園 京都 緑の庭 Japanese Green Garden Kyoto

This year too, the season has come to meet the brilliant greenery.
When you visit the garden, wrapped in light green, you can get the life force of the year.


DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp


  1. Cześć, super film … : )
    [ bardzo piękne są te ogrody … bardzo Lubie ]
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
    No i na razie.

  2. as usual it is magnificent. I thought I recognized Ryuichi Sakamoto who is also a national treasure. thank you for all this beauty with these venerable ones and for the rebirth of nature

  3. The Zen in me appreciates every second I watch your videos. The Shinto in me is moved by beauty you see and share ~~~ ⛩

  4. Greetings Yurara Sarara 🙏 This green garden indeed with its pristine beauty,
    blissful ambience.,the sounds of nature
    truely offers the soul ,mind & the senses
    a perfect Zen rejuvenation..The lovely piano 🎹 music track further heightens this sense of calm & happiness.Wonder-
    ful work as always. Thanks & Many Good

  5. Ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis Video…..es hat mich sehr emotional inspiriert 👍👍. Mit beiden Augen erkennt man die Natur…..👍👍… vielen Dank und Grüße….

  6. Спасибо огромное. Обожаю натуральные звуки. Красотища!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  7. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! The tranquility,serenity and peacefulness. I always look forward to seeing your videos. Thanks for sharing!😌💕

  8. Great tranquillity with this one 👍 Together with the BGM it reminds me of <the garden of words>..

  9. 緑、ざわめく葉、ざわめく水と風。 綺麗な。 ご多幸を祈る。👌👍💓

  10. You always manage to capture Japans beauty so perfectly! Blessings from England to you Yurara 😊 👍

  11. こんばんは Y.S.,かんさい oblige je ne sais pas par où commencer, tant il y a d'endroits intéressants à découvrir. J'aurais sûrement besoin d'un guide malgré toutes les vidéos que je regarde ainsi que les plans pour les situer. いつもありがとうございます🐈🙏🎶

  12. Always wonderful and beautiful. The music was perfect. Thank you for sharing. Look forward to the next video. Stay safe and warm.

  13. Wonderful again, very calming! Beautiful green garden, even without flowers. Splendid, thank you!🌳🌲🌿💕

  14. 久しぶりの動画のアップ楽しみにしていました。緊急事態宣言も延長されてまだ気ままな外出もままならない状況ですが、明るい日差し、小鳥のさえずり、小川のせせらぎなど、一緒に新緑の木立を散策しているような、とても清々しい気持ちになりました。ありがとうございます。

  15. 静かに涼やかに真っすぐ上に伸びる幹、猛々しく斜めにうねり広が枝々、新緑のコントラスト。


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