Garden Plans

Countdown to Christmas

Flower School LIVE is the first Christmas-focused hour. Join us on Wednesday, November 30th at 3:00 PT and kick off the season with the Tulips. Surprises? Of course! Fun, creativity, and education? Definitely! Set your alarm, invite your friends, and join the Tulip People for an hour of collaborative inspiration.


  1. Hi, just seeing you tonight for the first time . I am watching from Northern Ontario Canada ….lots of new things for me to see and learn .

  2. Portland is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been, even more so with you "Floral Design Institute". It was so tempting to stop by at your institute while I was in Portland last month.

  3. The Flower School responded with much kindness to one of my comments several weeks ago and i was waiting to respond with a tulip, yet since have gained understanding on the Tulip being a Flower School attendee Signature Symbol. The comment made my day, maybe even my year. Yeeehaw Tulips and yall are some of the most unique and kind people that Inhabit this earth. I just feel God has to use his most precious, loved individuals to use their talent time and love working with some of his most delicate beautiful creations. Thank you Mrs.Kesler and all Tulips for all you do. Realizing the education and skills learned will reach so many human beings, just like myself whose moments will be brightened. It warms my heart to think of how many days get brightened with these videos,comments, responses and with the arrangements the Tulips create going forward. Kindness is such a staple piece. It looks great on everyone. Tulips insert Kindness in this earth… Which in this day, we all need. A person can merely make a person day or even; save a person's, life with words of wisdom and Kindness. Surely we can't get too much of that behaviour. Have a wonderful day everyone. Yall lift my Spirits with the intentional goodness yall project. Thank Yall All Again!

  4. I've only seen hellebores in English arrangements. Are they widely available in the US? Where are they most commonly found? Please. Tell me more.

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