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Who is going to be Successful on Etsy in 2023???

20% OFF with Code: ETSY

🧡 Sales Samurai:

2023 is coming fast! So if you are thinking about selling on Etsy there are some things you have to understand getting into the game! Hopefully this video helps your business :]

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20% OFF with Code: ETSY

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  1. You mentioned the importance of a listing that is young and doing well to be the one to beat. What if an older listing is doing just a bit better, would you try to beat the older listing or the new listing? How do you apply that to Everbee or do you?

  2. Etsy is a big SCAM and CRIMINAL…

    Etsy is a big SCAM and CRIMINAL COMPANY!!! They just scam you on based policies. This must be resolved by certain authorities ASAP! They do whatever they want, will charge you for some meritorious ADS you never asked for and so. This is just nightmare. People of the World, be united against this SCAM CRAP!!!

  3. Are you an fulltime Etsy seller ? What have you studied worked before or beside this :)? Thank you

  4. Hey Hannah, I am so happy I found your channel, and I am so happy that I found this video especially. I was 16 when I started on Etsy in early 2020, and fulfilled over 6,000 orders on several platforms independently throughout the past two years. I have watched my Etsy decline severely, and am ready for a fresh start.
    I am 19 now, (same age as you when you first started!) and am trying to pivot my market from selling makeup into offering finer pearl jewelry. However, I am feeling very discouraged starting fresh.
    Would you recommend starting an entirely new Etsy, or keep what I have? Also, what product photography would you recommend learning for jewelry? Thank you so much!

  5. Great video Hannah! I’ve a quick question. Is it absolutely necessary to put your real name in first and last name while opening an Etsy store? I have a full time job and don’t want my colleagues to know that I am selling on Etsy. So I am wondering if I can use a pen name instead? Or for example if my store name is “XYZZ gifts” then can I put XYZZ in first name and Gifts as last name while opening my Etsy seller account?

  6. Hi Hannah , i supply products to many big sellers on Etsy. Happy to supply help. Thank you!

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