Garden Design

Trees: Take a Garden Tour for High Impact Garden Design!

Take a tour of Rosanne’s back-yard garden, home to over 40 trees, many of which are ornamental weeping varieties. See how a wide variety of trees add visual harmony to the surrounding landscape of shrubs, flowers and ground covers.


  1. I really enjoy your wonderful VIDEOs 💚 your style of your home & the little ? Potting shead is like a fairy tale or little cottages you land scape is wonderful looks natural looking.

  2. Here is a tip for your next purchase when your looking for dwarf trees…….look at the sales tag and read what looks like scientific jargon that identifies the tree….if it ends in nana… identifies the tree as dwarf…

  3. Wow!!! I'm proud of Korean maple in your garden. I expect your interest in Korean flower and trees more. Thank you

  4. I love the weeping pines framing your bench. I’d love to see a video about those and how you trained it. Looks like they’re planted fairly close to your property line, how wide do they get? I have a small yard and always worry about planting too closely to the property beside us.

  5. Lovely Rosanne. Thank you! I found a garden center that sells the Malus Lanzum Lancelot crabapple tree — like the one in your side yard.

  6. Hello Rosanne, first of all, thank you very much for setting up the automatic translation, my language is Spanish. I congratulate you on your beautiful garden and for the very precise explanation that you share with us in your videos, I have just moved to a house with a very large lot, but it does not really have a garden shape and what little it has is very neglected. You are a great inspiration to me. I wanted you to know. I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thanks for your time. 🥰🤗🙌🌵🐛🏡💚💚💚

  7. Great info on some beautiful trees for the garden. I don't know much about trees, so this vid is very helpful! Thanks!

  8. Such a beautiful garden Rosanne!!! I love all the different colors, shapes and textures. I've just recently started adding spruce, blue spruce and different colored leaf trees to our yard.
    Like your yard we had to remove 2 mature trees within the last 5 years, now we are trying to rebuild our yard with trees and shrubs.
    Great tour!

  9. Thank you for the tour! I really appreciate the variety of trees in your garden and also that you mentioned the age of the tree. I’m looking to buy/invest in some new trees and looking online can only easily find pictures of the younger trees at the nursery/YouTube gardeners. Seeing your Fat Albert Blue Spruce sets a realistic expectation of size so I can now buy it with confidence. You’ve also inspired me to add some new trees that I hadn’t considered.

  10. I love the Sester Dwarf blue spruce tree but am unable to find locally. I live in central Indiana in zone 5. Do you have a recommendation of a mail order nursery or one that would ship from near you? Thanks!

  11. I am a big fan of Catalpa! I have to admit, I have not known about them for very long… We purchased our home coming up on three years in early May. When we first looked at it, I couldn’t tell what most of the trees were without their leaves. But I noticed a tree that had some large pods hanging from it. When June rolled around, I was blown away by the huge blooms, and that is when I figured out that it was a Catalpa! I had never seen one before, but now I notice them when I see them growing in other places. It’s my favorite tree in my yard! I love your variety of trees. Your garden is very beautiful all around! This video makes me want to look into some smaller trees I can add to my yard. Last summer I donated to the Arbor Day Foundation and got some tiny trees in the beginning of December. I had to give some to a friend because they would not all fit in our yard once they matured. I did plant two Redbud trees and a White Magnolia in my front yard and two Pee Gee Hydrangeas and a small flowering crab on the sides. Unfortunately, I think the rabbits may have eaten the flower and crab. The Hydrangeas I caught and covered them with paper towel rolls when I noticed that something had been eating on them. We have an odd shaped yard, it’s pie shaped which makes the front yard very wide, but the back yard is tiny and comes to a point at a power pole. I’m very interested in that tiny blue Blue Spruce, I didn’t know there were dwarf forms of those, and have always loved that color! Right now I only have one evergreen tree which is an Arborvitae next to the side door of the house. I’ve been thinking I really need to find some small varieties to add some evergreen interest. And also to add some hiding places for the birds in the back yard. I noticed the birds love the Arborvitae, and would love to give them some safe spaces in back closer to my bird feeders. 😊

  12. Roseanne I have to say your yard and gardens are GORGEOUS!!!! You give me so much inspiration about what to plant and I’m your Wisconsin neighbor so I figure that whatever will grow for you, will definitely grow for me as well and I just cannot get enough of the beauty you and your very handy husband have created!!! Outstanding job!! I hope to see more posts this year! 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom.

  13. Thank you so much, this has helped me put my garden design idea down on paper. You've used the perfect trees throughout your space. I was slightly afraid of bring in to many trees but you've displayed your so well that now I know that it is defiantly doable.

  14. I also have lots of trees in my middle -size garden. I do worry about their size in future although I love to have trees alot. Your video helps me relax abit after knowing how old your trees are. I guess I may need to prune them though.

  15. 8/30/22: just popped in to say you’ve inspired so many purchases (or rather, plans to purchase) for my landscaping projects. Today, after months of checking Gerten’s for a Sester’s Dwarf, I finally found one at Sailers! Lol. 20% off too. I just love it! Thanks for your videos

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