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Coyote attacks toddler in Woodland Hills

A toddler was attacked by a coyote outside her Woodland Hills home. Residents say the animals are beginning to cause problems in the area.

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  1. We don't have that problem in Arizona and Texas everybody wears a gun or just about everybody it's the coyotes that are in fear not the humans

  2. Nothing a 10 mm couldn't handle….if I had a chance at it, that coyote would be in coyote hell.

  3. I'm very glad that little girl is okay and her father finally got there in time had it been me that coyote would have been Roadkill they would have had to look for it to do DNA test

  4. Not trying to criticize the dad but being this close to the rd the dad wasn't even watching his child .even if it wasn't the coyote the little girl could have ran out into the street and got hit by a car…first bring the child into the house than get the rest of the stuff…poor little girl this was heartbreaking to watch…

  5. Glad the daughter is safe but if you live in a area with wildlife do your due diligence, be aware of your surroundings and always look out for your children or small pets…

  6. Man has a crush on their territory. No one works for anymore and very few people hunt time to hunt.

  7. Are use a suppressor special ammo to illuminate coyotes in my neighborhood safely and appropriately and legally

  8. So, during this attack, if I pulled my side arm in south, is coyote with the prosecutor prosecutor for discharging my fire I’m probably not if you had any brains

  9. Coyotes have gotten bold. I’ve seen them at 10 o’clock in the in the morning, which is unheard of in broad daylight in the open

  10. This is why bleeding hearts of caused a real problem, especially idiot to feed the animals including raccoons in the idiots like the ones on TikTok, etc.

  11. If you know there are coyotes in the area, parents need to keep there children within arms reach or things can go real bad if they're more than one coyote.

  12. This is what happens when people like wolf project and different tree hugger groups want coyote hunting and coyote contest shut down. We the hunters told you what would happen if population goes left unchecked. Didn’t listen.

  13. Everyone should tell the dad good job. It’s frightening that predator control has deteriorated in order to make this situation possible. This isn’t an “oh my gosh they should have been hiking somewhere else “ scenario. This is a coyote attacking a child in a neighborhood. That is terrifying.

  14. Coyotes can be hunted all year round. Get a hunting license and start up plucking em off.. or you can get a roadrunner and give them some TNT. Problem solved

  15. If it that bad in your area, my answer to everyone living in this vicinity, everyone needs to be armed themselves with guns to take out these savage beasts and defensive coyote sprays to protect yourselves.

  16. That is not odd behavior. Feed them or not coyotes are wild animals, they are not domestic. Carry a weapon.

  17. Looks to me like the parent wasn't really watching his daughter good and any strange person could of grabbed her too. Maybe the coyote taught him a lesson and saved her life in the long look at things.

  18. I live near this area and see them here and there but it's usually one lone one and they are so scared and skinny and they are always trotting because they are fearful. This poor guy must have been literally starving truly to be so brave. I'm alone when I see them and if I even make eye contact with them they take off running so I don't fear them. This dad was just leaving his kid open for it so it took it.

  19. This can be avoided if we all just stay inside with our mask on.

  20. This is what happens when humans invade wild animals natural habitats.

    That dad was too damn slow for my blood though.
    You can tell he’s a guy that’s not aware of his surroundings.

  21. You need to put this Wildlife down it's starting to get overpopulated and it's getting ridiculous

  22. Everyone SHOULD buy a pellet rifle from walmart. It’s okay to shoot at invasive animals

  23. Came out of woods where people keep tearing down nature if people could stop having so many babies we could stop cutting down forewt

  24. It's not the animals fault . We take away from wildlife daily and they have no where to go… stop building on their land

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