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Watch Live: TX v. Aaron Dean Trial – Death of Atatiana Jefferson – Day One

A former police officer stands trial for shooting and killing a Black woman in her mother’s home back in October 2019. The question before jurors is whether defendant Aaron Dean‘s actions constituted murder. Authorities said victim Atatiana Jefferson, 28, was at her mother’s home playing video games with her nephew when Dean, then an officer with the Fort Worth Police Department, performed a botched welfare check.

James Smith, who was neighbors with the homeowner Yolanda Carr, told the BBC in a 2020 report that he called police to perform a welfare check after his niece and nephew saw that the lights of her home were on and the front door was open on the early morning of Oct. 12, 2019. He thought that it was strange that Carr’s lawnmower and gardening equipment were plugged in. This was not an emergency call. Smith said he expected an officer to just knock on the door and see if his neighbor was fine. He did not know that Carr was in the hospital for her heart condition. Instead, Carr’s 8-year-old grandson and daughter Atatiana were up playing video games.

As seen on Dean’s body cam footage, he checked an open door and walked along the side of the lit home. Finally, he stepped through a gate leading into what seemed to be the backyard. He pointed his gun at a window.

“Put your hands up,” he yelled. “Show me your hands.”

He opened fire, killing Jefferson, who was inside the home.

Smith was among those mourning Jefferson’s loss. He said that police overreacted.

“She intended to become a doctor,” Smith said. “But that’s not going to happen now.”

Dean quit the department two days after the shooting, though Interim Police Chief Ed Kraus said he would have fired him for violating policies including use of force, de-escalation, and unprofessional conduct.
#AaronDean #AtatianaJefferson #lawandcrime
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  1. I'm sorry but I hate when ppl have cough attacks in a quiet place! They should excuse themselves, grab some water, get it together & return. Also, I don't want to sit next to anyone like that! It's RUDE!

  2. Kid seemed like a cool guy on direct but on cross it become progressively more clear he was coached. Three years later and for the first time he mentions a fairly large detai?. Gtfo.

  3. The Dallas and Plano police have their relatives stalk and harass me all over town just cause I'm Hispanic so it's fitting her young relative spoke for her with the impact of an adult.

  4. Not sure but I feel like grownups put a lot of things into his head. Story is different now and from 3 years ago gun was pointing and now by side, Racoon? Didn’t talk to anyone but Seychelles kick out, now there’s not badge being seen.

  5. Great job to this young man…I can’t imagine having to do that as an adult so kudos you for being so brave!

  6. Shout out to LAW & CRIME for this great coverage of the high profile cases…. Poor kid is trying very hard but it was obvious that a member of the court room appeared to be gestering to the child on how to answer…. That's a No No…. Does anyone ever wonder why there is ALWAYS an annoying person that coughs coninously What the Heck!!!!! They should REMOVE anyone from the courtroom that coughs more than 3 times!!! LoL 3 and out just like baseball!!!! This judge looks alot like the actor Dennis Quaid.

  7. How could he even see her through those blinds and shoot just seconds after saying raise your hands. Just another trigger happy 👮‍♂️. Justice for Tatiana and Breonna

  8. To the folks complaining about the cougher…I was annoyed too until I saw the woman in the wheelchair who I think might be Zion's mother. We know she has serious health problems. I was ashamed of myself when I thought it might be her who is coughing. God have mercy on us.

  9. People coughing and sneezing should not be allowed in the courtroom. It's so annoying and… have we not learned anything from the pandemic?

  10. I knew he was being coached before Judge Gallagher reprimanded her.

    Just watch Zion's eyes.

    Please May God lay the smack down on whoever has that kid telling anything but the whole truth!

  11. How could he see the gun , yet he couldn't see her hands ? If he did see a gun ( as he claimed) the obvious thing to say would be 'drop the gun' ? ! Instead, he said : 'let me see your hands'

  12. Zion keeps looking over at his family when he is not being truthful or doesn’t want to answer the questions from the defense. Zion did a great job with the prosecution but when it came to the defense he got an attitude. His family had clearly coached him on what to say to the defense and his family should’ve been removed from the court until his testimony is over. If not they can always bring out the tapes interview

  13. This one tough and strong little man. I'm so proud of him. I know all of these questions are hard for him. You can tell he's tired. God lay your hands on this sweet little man. And heal him and give him strength to get through life. This defense attorney needs to ease up on this little boy. My heart goes out to him.

  14. Zion is such a sweetheart. He did better than most adults I’ve seen testify!

  15. It was apparent that his demeanor had changed when the defense started to question him. I suspected someone was doing something from the gallery, but had no ides judge noticed however he is the only other one besides Zion that is facing gallery,. Sharp judge, paying rapt attention and not having any of that in his court room. I don’t fault Zion he is only a child having had a traumatic event occur in his young life. Witnessing a deadly shooting, resulting in the death of his beloved aunt/caretaker, and then loosing his “granny”, he deserves to be grievously affected and unable to recall all that has transpired. Brave boy Zion! You did a great job.

  16. I hate this for that child! He watch his aunt get gunned down at such a early age and then they have him doing this! I just can’t see this coming from one the judges kids, had this been another way around! I’m sure they have everything he has already said on video. Why not use that! Why allow the defense to handle him as if he’s lying! This hurts my soul frfr…. 🖕🏽Tarrant County and FWPD!!!

  17. Shameful. The family coached the kid to change his testimony. Obvious change in his behavior when the defense questioned him. Speaks volumes about the family and their concern for this kid.

  18. Very brave young man! Zion you did a wonderful job today!! Your Auntie and Grandmom are very proud as are all of us ❤️

  19. 3 Laws quite our own guide us here from the 1990's, and they are all equal? They gaurd one another. They have 💰 in the Judiciary branch. They occupy our government. They speak great degrees of English? The 3 sequester a verdict easier now adjunctive to the 2nd degree that a criminal is selected. The branches are quite equal? I'll be back with more 3 Branches of Government, okay?
    Let's listen to the jury on the 3?

  20. Our laws are made in our Legislative Branch. Much more questions only for these 3 branches? Only 3 laws these branches are the laws we consume?

  21. Are these 3 the big three we fight at? Are we fighting at the big 3 a topic cases and witness? Why are the legislation and it's Modus Operandi a Secret Service what?
    Do the 3 branches fight with each other?
    Do each one of the three have I.E.H.P.? The Judicial Branch says homeless, and yet not on it's plan? Why don't they save their questions for when I'm done lecturing, okay?

  22. Now with the recent economy, To get Financial FREEDOM you have to be making money while you're asleep.🎄

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