Vegetable Gardening

Imagine what we found! Veggies you Can Grow NOW!

Tour our garden with me this morning! You will be excited about what we found. What can you do with the soil in your tubs? Check this out! You can be growing your own food over the Winter.


  1. 🇺🇲👍🏽🇺🇸👍🏻🇺🇲👍🏻🇺🇲👍🏼🇺🇲👍🇺🇲👍🏿🇺🇲👍🏻🇺🇸

  2. Hey Jill! So excited to see your High Tunnel garden! I ordered some small raised bed units. Hoping to get a nice little garden this year. Blessings to y’all! Howdy to your Pop ❤

  3. I haven’t grown my own celery but I dehydrate organic celery & cabbage from the store. Today I’ll dehydrate the Bok choy that I have grown myself!

  4. Beautiful skies! My son in law came to TX to hunt and did say that the colors there were beautiful there this year.

  5. Hi Jill hoping your having a Blessed day. Windy and chilly in Ar. Rain coming this week. Your High Tunnel garden is looking wonderful. The color on the tress is beautiful. Understand about green to brown. Wish we could still be getting peppers and tomatoes.Check our Robbie and Gary Easy gardening. She does double planting in containers using flower pots and the clipping waste to enhance her soil. And makes covers to protect seedlings out of tulle and place mats. Very ingenious. Also check out Off Grid with Doug and Stacey Amish Taught me This Seed saving Trick & It works. For tomatoes seedlings.

  6. Looking gorgeous Jill! The high tunnel looks nice too! 😉
    Don't forget to let those sweet potatoes set a couple of weeks (at least) before you use them, even for canning. They don't get sweet if you don't let them cure and dry out some, they just turn to a starchy, almost sweet mess. The tubers (or rhizomes or whatever they technically are called) are still in the process of converting all those stored up starches into sugars, so the biochemistry needs a chance to work its magic. Please trust me on that. Pretty much any soil you have grown sweet potatoes in will have some volunteers pop up for years. Even some of my Irish potatoes do that too.
    Been out taking advantage of the good weather, in between showers. Finished getting my figs and grapes in. I've left room to add to them later, but got all the plants I have on hand planted and the grape trellis is up. That was a major thing for Hubs and I.
    I'm going over seed catalogs in the evenings, making a wish list even though I've got more seeds than you can shake a stick at. I might have a problem . . . .
    Scored on a huge pile of pumpkins and gourds that some folks had set out for the trash. None were carved or rotting. All kinds of shapes, sizes and colors. Such beautiful things! They had the prices written on them in marker from where they'd bought them at the farm market, so I know we had close to $300 worth! The hens are loving them, and I did roast and puree a couple of the pie pumpkins to freeze for us human folks. I'm saving seeds from all of them. Yup, I probably have a problem.
    I don't much thin out my root crops, do you? Sometimes I "steal" a clod of seedlings to move to a thin place, or another spot, but I never have really thinned them as they come up. Kind of a "Lord of the Flies" approach I guess. Survival of the fittest. I plant my onions is groups too, like 3 or 4 to a spot and they just seem to move each other out of the way. Am I doing it wrong?
    I'm still hurting from cutting down the last of my peppers and tomatoes, all heavy with fruit, before that frost we got. But got babies started, so just a bit behind you there. My celery does just like yours. I actually prefer the smaller stalks. The leaves and little stalks have so much more flavor! And it's less chopping in the kitchen, them being so small and tender. I'm actually making more celery salt today, since Hubs used the last of mine making Bloody Maries (?) yesterday. Hhmm. What's the plural of Bloody Mary?
    These grey days make me blue, but having the sun peek out has me in a great mood today. Love to You, Greg, and Pops. I'm off to piddle around outside some more.

  7. Love that beautiful Red Oak! I'm growing lettuce, carrots and beets in the ground . I also have lettuce, bunching onions, Swiss chard, spinach, garlic and radicchio in fabric pots. And I have kale and onions in a raised bed. I have row cover for the cold nights. Everything is doing well so far. Said goodbye to the bush beans a couple weeks ago, as even row cover could not keep them warm enough to keep producing.

  8. Had a wrinkled soft potato and was about to toss it and threw it in a pot with a little dirt instead. It was late August. I was so encourage when it grew. It got to 3ft then three weeks ago we had an overnighte temp of 27° and bit killed it but I looked and had two perfectly round quarter size potatoes that I can use as seed for spring. Central NC

  9. Must have been gardening day. It was a beautiful day and I spent it in my garden too. I replanted {my dog dug up my bed} onions, scallions, leaks, beets, more spinach, mustard greens, a few collards, and fertilized my cabbage , broccoli, and cauliflower. Mine are all in tubs outside so I also was getting everything ready to cover when we get the cold temps back. I really enjoyed being out.

  10. Do you know we have flowers blooming? One woman posted a picture of zinnias. I had roses until two weeks ago. We,re getting flooding rain now. Finally. Great looking high tunnel! Love you all

  11. Oh my the chickens have gotten so big. I did not pull up all my garden and it is still growing even after the freezing nights and snow.

  12. All of my garden is outside now since the loss of our green house. Spinach, turnips, lettuce, onion, beets cabbage, celery

  13. Thank you Jill! Was thinking about you with this beautiful weather we are having! God bless y’all too!

  14. I tried my first seed garden in containers. I used organic soil which was supposed to have everything in it but I don’t think it was good.
    The butternut squash came up quickly; I have 8 squash on the vines but the vines have lost their leaves so I don’t think they will fill out.
    Spinach sprouted but never made it; the same with cauliflower. It came up & remained about 1 inch tall & never grew.
    The carrots are in grow bags & finally have bushy tops; I tried pulling one and it was a tiny little nothing. Bell peppers came up but never made it. The broccoli is doing okay but not enough to produce. Lettuce is prolific!!
    I enjoyed planting seed & worked faithfully but evidently I have a lot to learn. I think it was the soil.

  15. Looking good!! I have lettuce and Swiss chard coming up in grow bags and will be planting a huge pot of smaller carrots this week. Crazy temps need to go down a little though. It turned way too balmy all of a sudden this week. Some nice colors down here too!

  16. We've been in the low to mid 50s here in California upper desert. I've got carrots lettuce spinach and potatoes growing in containers. No green house. Careful to watch low temps and cover as needed.

  17. When did y’all start your celery? I have seeds in the fridge. I’ve never grown it from seed. I’m in zone 8a. ❤️

  18. I’m growing cabbages, broccoli, onions, carrots, garlic all in containers. They all survived the snow we had in Texas the Friday after thanksgiving.

  19. Hey Jill. been away for a while. I am pulling turnips just for meals, Got about 30-40 left. Still watching y'all when I can. Always in my prayers. : )

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