Gardening Supplies


Welcome back to my channel!! Today we are gardening in a KIDDIE POOL. Yes you heard that right. It is a super cheap and easy way to do a raised garden box. Here are the supplies you will need

*Plastic Kiddie Pool (whatever size you’d like)
*5-7 Pool Noodles
*Soil to fill the pool (I did 3 bags Garden soil & 2 bags Top soil)
*Seeds or plants
*Plenty of water and sunshine 😉
If you recreate this, tag me!
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  1. This isn't nearly enough soil for what your wanting to do dear. You really can only plant shallow rooted items in this small amount. I have 2 pools I my front yard I've been using as a raised bed for 3 years. You 100% need to put some drainage holes in the sides of the pool. I wouldn't put the noodles in just because your food is growing it's roots near, on, & around them who knows what they give off into the soil after sitting in it with all that for months. ..You will also want to add a couple of bags of compost manure to this which will help add some more depth and give you more nutrients. The plant based compost you added won't break down for months (believe me)so you won't get what you need from it to the plants for quite a while. If you have some used coffee grounds you might add a few of those and a good all purpose fertilizer like a miracle grow. And a decent multch. You can use anything decent leaves, un colored wood mulch, straw, hay. Just something to help keep your water in the soil a bit as this will dry out and require more often watering then in ground plantings. Great tip lettuces grow fabulous in these. (Shallow roots) So does radishes. For tomatoes & cucumbers you need much deeper soil.
    Hope you get some good results though I love mine. P. S. Get ya a cheap step stool or (kiddie stool)to sit on it will save your back a lot of pain. 😊
    Best of luck from KY!

  2. Very creative, how’s did the garden fair out? When I lived in an apartment I used old milk crates with plastic bags in the bottom. I poked drainage holes and grew on my balcony.

  3. I made a couple of these pool gardens in a sunny spot near a tree – our local Indi toystore owner picked up some of these that were damaged, and asked for donations (which she passed on to a local charity!) From folks wanting some.
    I put holes in the bottom, and my first layer was sticks and dried blackberry clippings! Then a combo of my native soil and compost, and some bagged potting soil. The second pool has some plants in pots, and some in the pool itself.
    I have garlic and some greens in one, will add some more compost this year, and plant peas soon –

  4. I realize this is an older video, but I found it after thinking of using a kiddie pool myself, that developed a crack in one side. My reasoning is that it would be easier for me, as I am wheelchair reliant. I was gifted with some mature strawberry plants, and they are thriving in a planter that is about as deep, or less, than the kiddie pool I have. In fact, they have produced more plants via runners. So I'm thinking they should do very well in the pool, and I have a nice, sunny place to put them.

    I've read some comments, and it is true that some plants have deeper root systems, so require a greater depth than the pool allows. Still, the idea is a terrific one, and I thank you for sharing it. At the very least, you gave me an idea of how many bags of soil, etc., I will need to fill the pool. I'm thinking I might also make a bed of lettuce, and look into other vegetables that have shallow enough root systems to thrive. Again, thank you. 😊

  5. Soil temp will be thru the roof! Literally, this is a hot compost pile. Inoculant for peas? I would love to see the outcome! Please post update…

  6. Sooo….How did it turn out? Any pics on how the plants grew? Lessons learned? Thankyou, great video…hope to hear from you.

  7. I have an old kiddie pool and was wondering how to repurpose it, well now I know what to do…grow food! Thanks for the tip!!

  8. What a wonderful way to make a garden.. I have lots of land to grow on but I have been doing kiddie pool gardening for over 20 years. I used to use it for a holding bin for shrubs but decided to extended my veg garden to include a perennial veg garden. I feed my dogs lots of greens. I love your noodles idea.. I hope you have a follow up I will love to see how they grew. Thank you I enjoyed this video.

  9. I put holes about an inch up from bottom to retain a little water. Zone 7b hot as hell alabama!!!

  10. Say much with few words. Wasting time too much talking. We don't need to see you shopping.

  11. You might want add some worms to help break down the composting veggies and more soil, etc as others have suggested.

  12. I use kiddie pools…I'm in a camper..remember to plant things that won't have a huge abundance of leaves…or they will be destroyed simply by people walking by…tomatoes..carrots..herbs…even beans if you only plant beans in that pool…use twine for the vines to grow..kinda like a circus tent…I planted zucchini in one and it devoured everything…minimally for anything w leaves but go crazy w herbs

  13. Garden soil should not be used in containers. I would recommend to use potting mix soil for container gardening.

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