Backyard Garden

GARDEN TOUR: Backyard Garden June 2016

June walk of what is growing on in the backyard garden.
May’s tour:

I am in the third year of attempting to grow my own ginger. Each year, I am a little closer to my goal of digging out something sizable. This year I am adding galangal to the mix. The galangal and ginger have sprouted leaves and we are starting to see the young plants.

Other plants that you’ll see both here and in South East Asian cuisine are elephant ear, piper lolot, Thai basil, and holy basil (rama tulsi.)

Cucumbers are enjoying the warmer weather and they are starting to set fruit. Bantam sweet yellow corn are almost ready to harvest. Many pie pumpkin plants and beans planted around the backyard. I am waiting for the potatoes and watermelon.


  1. Look forward to the flowers of the Siam Queen basil! When it comes to basil, this variety has the most unique and beautiful blossoms definitely. And it's by far the most straight forward Horapha-flavor. For sure the queen of sweet basil sorts.

    I'll be looking forward to what you'll have to say about the cinnamon basil. I've had a few plants some years ago and so far it's been the only kind of basil I never started to get fond of, even though basil is my most beloved herb of all time and I'm growing as many varities as possible.

    How old is your lemon verbena? Considering it has barely any sideshoots it looks rather young. I'm surprised it has such a huge blossom. My verbena is in year 3 now and looks a lot more bushy, but has only ever had one very small flower which was last year.

    How come you didn't mention the basil below the brussels sprouts? It's Sri-Tulsi (ocimum canum), right? I absolutely adore that plant. I'm currently growing 5 plants of it because my tea-supply of it didn't even last half of winter last year when I had only one planted.

  2. Beautiful garden, thank you for sharing. I was wondering where you got the blocks in the bed you made at the 27: 36 mark?

  3. +redeemedservant, Thanks for the nice comment 🙂
    I have had a lot of people ask me about the blocks. They are a newer product. From what I have gathered from the questions, these blocks do not seem to be widely available at the moment. I have seen them at select Home Depot retailers in the San Gabriel Valley (this is in Southern California.) "7.75 in. x 5.5 in. Planter Wall Block"

    p.s. I am replying to your comment here. YT is not letting me reply to your comment for some reason.

  4. I really enjoy your videos. We used to have rabbits and grew Salad Burnett for them. It is an herb that smells slightly of cucumbers. You can add the leaves to salads. Our rabbits LOVED the herb. We also grew several types of mint. Salad Burnett reseeds and mint spreads through an extensive root system so we always had fresh greens. You can use the used litter from your rabbit right on your garden or compost pile.

  5. Looking forward to watching your journey! Nice garden, I just did my first upload a few days ago for this season!

  6. Really great garden, you sure do have a lot of different things growing. Love it


  7. I love all of your plants, what state do you live in? I'm trying to compare my growth with other gardens.

  8. I enjoyed your garden tour, thank you for sharing.  I garden like you meaning planting anything everywhere. I have my edibles growing with my flowers. I also plant edibles at the front of my yard 🙂

  9. Flowering potatoes: cut off the blooms. That sends more energy in to the tubers so they will get bigger. Try it out on some and not others. Also, would you back away from your planting beds and give us a larger view of the yard? You may have already shown it but this is the first video from you that I've seen.

  10. I LOVE YOUR TOUR! And I love your experiment-loving spirit! I can't wait to see your reviews every year and sure hope you do them! Thank you!

  11. Let me see your tortoise , I have one and  is huge , I have to protect my plantings otherwise he will have a feast.

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