Japanese Garden

3000 Thank Yous & Updates: Dave's Bonsai E274

In this episode I just want to say, THANK YOU! Thank you all for helping me hit 3000. I also have some updates after a pretty decent cold spell.

#Davesbonsai #bonsaiacres #littletrees #bonsaipruning #bonsairepotting #bonsai #MNbonsai #upnorthbonsai #Coldframes


  1. 🎉Congrats on your first 3K Dave! We love you Dave and am sure we will see another and another and another 3K .. 🐦💙

  2. Would a swivel wooden latch help in keeping the cabin cold frame door closed? My uncle when he was alive did that and kept his root cellar door closed nicely. Just a thought.

  3. Looks like everything is tucked in and doing well. Thanks for the shout out Dave. Being part of this wonderful community is very special to me . Thanks, keep growing

  4. If you run out of rainwater, try the dechlorinaters that they sell to take out the chlorine and chloramide's from the water. Since I do not collect rainwater, this is the best, I find, to use for all my trees and plants. Great updates. Keep on growing with your great videos.

  5. Your are worth it, and always nice when people share some good vibes. Cheers from Stockholm, Sweden -2 C today (or 28 F?).
    Small wish: if you ever got the energy I would appreciate if you could tell us the temperature in Celsius while showing charts like in this video – just lazy but need converter else.

  6. That’s stinking awesome, Dave! Congrats brother. You keep puttin out all the string content, that number will triple and triple again in no time.
    Great info on how you’re using the Govee and update on the cold frames. So much more sophisticated than my wooden boxes with mulch. You’ve given me some great ideas for my future survival tactics up on my mountain (just at a clip-&-grow pace with the budget, hehe)
    Sure do appreciate you, Dave.

  7. Brrrrrrr–That's freakin' cold!! I think I will stay here in Central Texas where it's a bit(a lot) warmer. I love your videos. They are very informative and helpful even though our climates are so different. Congratulations one the 3000

  8. Congrats Dave 🎉 Feliz Navidad to you and yours, I consider your videos top notch Quality in every respect this achievement is well deserved! I Love you Man…keep up the great work 😊. Ricardo

  9. Congratulations on your 3000 subs, very well deserved. Your trees look nice and cozy in your cold frame.

  10. Thank you for all your videos Dave. This time last year, following major surgery for stage 4 cancer, I was recovering from high-dose radiotherapy on my head and was on a liquid diet and suffering in all kinds of ways. Because of covid and my weak immunity, I was pretty much isolated in my house, and I remember sitting in the front room watching your old videos on the big screen, and it gave me hope that perhaps I could start my own channel in the spring and was a fantastic escape from the situation I was in at that time. I remember really enjoying watching you plant all those larch trees into sphagnum moss on a freezing cold day and thinking to myself that with a bit of luck I'll be able to do that in the future.
    We never know how our videos can influence /help other people, and although I also watched other bonsai creators' content, there was something very inspirational and positive about your videos that really helped me through such a tough time.
    I'm now doing great and everything is looking very positive for my future, but I just wanted to say a massive thank you Dave. You were the reason I chose to call my channel Tonys bonsai. Keep up the great work!

  11. Congratulations 🎉 I enjoy your videos, even though we don’t get quite as cold at home in Canberra, Australia. I find it fascinating watching what you and Nigel need to go through to keep your trees alive. My hat off to you. That is dedication! ❤

  12. Congrats on your first 3K! I found your channel a few months ago, and I really enjoy your videos and trees. I have a lot of the same tropicals that you do so I like to see how you prune and the progress of each tree. Keep the videos coming.

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