Gardening Supplies

Pruning My First Year David Austin Roses | Gardening with Creekside

The time has arrived for me to prune my first-year David Austin roses! Pruning your roses is perhaps the most important thing you can do for your rose bushes, and I am happy to share this important task with you. A bit of work in the winter garden is going to give us bushels of blooms this summer!

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Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. Thank you, Jenny. Great information! First learned about removing the leaves. I’m guessing the same process for KnockOut roses and Drift Roses? Also learned about pruning in January. I’m also in 7b.

  2. Thank you for this video. I ordered 5 DA roses and iv been needing a really good video on how to take care of them properly.

  3. Hi Jenny – Great video. It was so fun to see you working in your yard in the sun. We have had gray skies, snow and rain/ice for the past week. I live through you! 😂 I am sure you have answered this question a hundred times, but how did you and Jerry get into the video part of your business? I am so glad you did! 😊

  4. Thank you for posting this video., I have seen many gardening videos over the years and no one posted this infor. I would say however that there is no need to remove EVERY leaf on your roses.
    After 40 yrs of pruning, I am trying to save your basal joint of your thumb from arthritis. Just remove the diseased foilage and that on the ground. There is nothing to say the spores are not in your mulch and will splash up the next heavy rain. That is why I use a systemic fertilizer in spring. I also use Neem Oil in the evening hours. I know you are busy. Maybe your son could police the roses once a week with a bucket for any bad leaves. What if you had a whole plot full of roses like rosarians do? No way do they remove every leaf.

  5. Does the rule to trim all the leaves off only apply to David Austin roses or is it true for all roses?

  6. My Jerry and I visited Creekside Nursery last Spring! I purchased my At Last rose from your nursery…my first rose! This rose was such an amazing addition to my zone 8A garden. I had blooms until January. 🌹This video gave me the courage and valuable information I needed to prune my first year rose. I’ve got 5 David Austin roses on their way and I’m so excited to get growing! I can’t find your video where you planted your David Austin roses. Could you could put up a link or will you have another video this Spring? Can’t wait to visit with y’all and see the new Greenhouse this upcoming season! God Bless your sweet family.

  7. THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! My DA Lady of Shallot climbing rose is STILL in bloom even though we’ve had several cold snaps well below freezing, and I was stressing whether I should defoliate and prune or keep waiting until the leaves actually fall. Very timely video and I appreciate your help!!

  8. The night time temperature these next few days will be in the upper 20s/ lower 30s. Would pruning them still be okay? I got my first two last year as well! My grandmother always said to cut back roses around Valentine’s Day to help you remember to do so

  9. So much great information here! I never knew to defoliate…my roses should look much better this year. Thank you!

  10. I've been listening to you talking about David Austin Roses since last year. It sounds like you're saying David 'Alston'.

  11. Much needed this. I have some heirloom roses. This will be the 2nd year. They are not doing as well as I expected and I may have some that won’t come back this year. On another subject, can you do a pruning/think out video on blueberries? Mine are past needing a good clean out.

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  13. I followed your pruning instructions this year zone 10a. Wanted to report back my roses out sprouting beautifully.

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