Container Gardening

Egyptian Walking Onions ~~Container Garden ~~ Back to Eden

Just a quick look at what is growing in our containers and our Back to Eden Gardening.

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  1. Today's high 36 tonight low 31 with frezze warnings. Northwest MS. I lost 30 tomatoes about 2 weeks ago. Ive got corn about 6 in up hope i dont lose them too

  2. Y’all got great growth, I have seedlings started and ready to go in the ground and of course we are getting 4” of snow today in KY ☹️

  3. Love the garden tour this morning. We woke up to snow this morning which is unusual for our area but we need the moisture so hopefully it will help our gardens some.

  4. You produce a lot of food for two people,what do you do with the excess?

  5. Looks like the garden is really taking off. I have not grown Egyptian walking onions, so will be watching the progress on these.Thanks.

  6. Hi Deep South Homestead: I follow a YT channel from “50 Ducks in a Hot Tub”. The creator is Matt McDougal. He raises his ducks to feed the homeless in Toronto & donates the eggs to 4 Food Banks in the Ottawa Valley from his land north of Ottawa. Last year PETA threatened to mount a protest in front of his farm gate and stop the truck that would take the meat ducks for processing which he assertively fought against. Since then he had problems with demonetizing & strikes. Thursday April 5/18 his main channel was suspended, which had greater than 50,000 subs & 3800 videos. He is now working from a backup channel with less than 2,000 subs that may also be suspended. Youtube is his main income stream to care for & feed his ducks. Would you consider signing a petition for reinstatement of the main channel?

  7. What are the Egyptian walking onions scientific name. Seems I can't find them by looking up Egyptian walking onions. At least a few years ago when I was looking for them.

  8. Everything looks beautiful. I love those big tubs for planting! I'll have to see if TSC has them. I have some time though…..snowed here yesterday in upstate NY.

  9. Amazing weather structure has so many at bay and cannot get a good start on their gardens. Climate zones constantly drifting up and down keep people wondering which are they in with many still receiving freeze warnings. I believe everyone should network all they can and learn from one another as we all adapt. Danny you and Wanda in the deep south keep us inspired with your progress as times are changing and maybe even our way of life. Homesteads pray for discernment and share as we all watch these changes.

  10. I know that someone posted a Video about comfrey for broken bones, but what else do you use it for? Because we are still in our neighborhood and not on the homestead yet I have to justify the use of a pot for plant if that makes sense.

  11. Looks awesome guys. Keep up the great work. We are really enjoying the videos and have figured out how to share, comment and like. God bless you both.

  12. For some reason they have been putting these really long commercials on your videos. The last couple have been 11 minutes long. I try to watch the commercials for you but I don't want to watch commercials that are as in this case almost 4 minutes longer than your video.

  13. Where did you get the Egyptians Onion bulbs/seeds? The last batch I got for a friend and hers did great, mine died so I have to re-start. Maybe more than 6 this time, lol.

  14. Danny, how do you prevent fire ants getting into the bottom of your pots ? They have gotten into every one and eating seeds and the plants. I've even tried putting the pots up on pallets.
    Thank you.

  15. Could you tell me what kind of fertilizer you used on your english peas. I just can't seem to get mine to grow and I planted mine about the same time you did. S E Texas zone 9a

  16. i am interested in growing butterpeas in some similar large nursery pots i found locally. could you tell me what size yours are? also, i watched your video on green beans in pots and learned that you enrich the soil with rabbit manure, but i was wondering what your original soil was. do you use a potting mix or amended garden soil? lastly, have you ever grown field peas this way?

  17. Everything is looking amazing guys just beautiful, im so envy because I can not grow gardens like what you guys have down in the deep south, i have a rock pile here in south west Missouri to deal with, keep growing and keep showing those beautiful gardens.

  18. Danny, I have garden space and I want to try some pots…I am going into the woods to get bags of the Leaf Mold. Will need to add potting soil as well or can I just use the leaf mold to grow everything?…I can get plenty to fill my pots…Appreciate your expertise…Thank you in advance…Blessings Folks…

  19. Good grief! Sounds like a pack of hunting dogs! I hope the peas Wanda had as a child do well.I still remember a crowder pea and a white German corn my grandfather grew that i loved,but don't know the variety and no one left to tell me

  20. Soo happy everything is coming up well.Wow the comfrey looks real healthy.The gardens love the rains.Hope the cold stays away.Oh now I know why they are called walking onions.Very cool.Nice to see the corn coming up now to.Be well you all.♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡……….

  21. Your watering system for your pots… Is it homemade? Or a bought system?? Trying to figure homemade version here.

  22. Butter peas are delishious! I had the walking onions in a protected area so they stayed green all winter. I separated them and kept replanting. Someone took all them last winter! Do you know how I could get a restart?

  23. Go to 7:12 for the first mention of Egyptian Onions / Walking Onions. Just showed them a little, not much information about them shared at all. The video is mostly just showing the various plants they have growing on their homestead. I don't understand why the title specifies the Egyptian Onion.

  24. Hey guys! Just wanted to know if you plant shallots and what fertilizer you use on them. Also, what fertilizer do you use on your onions. Thanks for all you do.

  25. You have such a beautiful place. I'm a little north of you in central MS, so we haven't planted as much yet. I really want to get some of those egyptian walking onions. I'm trying the rattlesnake beans this year, I'm really hoping that they will work out.

  26. Everything is looking so good and beautiful, Danny. It shows that with lots of care to attention and following those good principles can help pants survive when the temps are struggling to be at or near normal. You two are such great teachers with your examples! I need to check into those Ladyfinger Peas. 🙂

  27. Please make your titles more accurate. Your title said it was about walking onions in containers.

  28. I dug up some walking onions when we moved to Texas from New England. I planted them late last summer in a raised bed and they are doing great!

  29. I needed some tubs for planting, but not at the price craigslist sellers want. Turns out I was able to barter a few dozen eggs for some my neighbor didn't need. Eggs are becoming more valuable, aren't they?

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