Front Yard Garden


Hey we are the Blessing Boys and we are excited for you to join us on this yard transformation today! We actually found an entire street of abandoned houses and we want to clean them up one by one. The neighbor said no one has lived here for 3 years or so that she knows of. We are working today on house “NUMBER 2” on this road today and the boys have a lot of weed eating to do on this front ditch are. While they tackle that Im going to mow this tall grass in the front and we will work our way around to the back yard together and try to give this place life again! We caught the attention of a visitor who stopped and asked if we were selling the house so we must be doing a good job. Hopefully we can get more info on these homes and figure out what exactly is going on. Either way we want to bless this community by making it shine. As always stick to the end to see this place after we get done with it and thanks again for all your support!!


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  1. The scriptures tell us to `Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ' (Prov. 22:6.) Dad and Mom are doing such an awesome job! What a blessing you all are. I pray the blessing from Luke 6:38 for all of you. “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Have a blessed Christmas.

  2. It's His Turf and Fall River had combined to do a home once and ended up deciding to do the front yards and lost sidewalks of a whole side of city block. By the end, the people were coming out of their homes to help. This is a great project. The boys Trimming is looking clean. 21:08, fun seeing the landscaping re-appearing along the house front. Enjoyed the before and after photos. Nice work all.

  3. People just love the before and after views. Amazing what the results are after a lawn cleanup. Mini story! Great video!
    I was about 40 yrs old an a friend of mine was about 30 years old. I had a 9 year old nephew and he had a 9 year old son. He and his son went deer hunting, squirrel hunting and rabbit hunting, etc. etc.
    I bought a john deere riding mower for an acre lawn. My nephew wanted to help mow. So I mowed the first 20 feet from the road into the yard. For being 9 yrs old he did a great job. My friend drove by and saw my nephew mowing on the riding mower.
    The next Monday we were at work waiting to clock out and go home. There was about 40 people in line waiting to clock out. My friend said to me "I drove by and saw your nephew mowing on that riding mower. I couldn't believe it. Don't you think that's dangerous to be letting that boy on that riding mower by himself?"
    I said "Its safer than taking him out into the woods and handing him a loaded gun to shoot at a deer or squirrels" Everyone in line burst out laughing.

  4. You should create a flyer for the Blessing Boys. I would leave one on every property you did so someone would see what you did. They might want to hire you to come back and mow to keep it tidy until they can sell it. I'd also look up those addresses on the county auditors websites to see who owns them and mail the owners a flyer. You can also see what it sold for, how long the house has been since its last sale and about what it sold for. Banks often let their houses sell cheaply to get them off the books. I bought one house for $60k and sold it for $142. I put $20k in it. A nice profit. I bought three others but hold them and have relatives living in them so they get free rent and no one squats.

  5. ❤watching this. You’s are truly a Blessing. I’m watching this from my 🏥 where I’d major surgery on Monday morning. A bowel operation . God bless you’s & have a lovely 😊 weekend

  6. Very good father, keep your boys busy,it keeps them away from trouble! It's very good to sèe them happy to work with you! Keep up the good boys you wiĺl be rewarded!!

  7. Bring these homes back in shape as folks get interested Your doing a Great Comunity effort to Bring in the Folks that will add to This community God Bless B&B boys


  8. I watch y’all’s channel all the time and think y’all do a great job! BUT, I was worried about the kids out there weedeating so close to the highway with cars going so fast and yes, I’m an old grandma!

  9. Debris and trash should be taken cared off, u should have a vacuum in your mower much convenient and saves time

  10. The boys proved themselves well capable of doing serious weed eating. That ditch was a sizable project to clear out. I sure hope your work promotes enough interest in people wanting to renovate these homes to where they are livable again. May your good hearts and hard work come back to you in blessings, happiness and more.

  11. Probably not actually abandoned homes; most likely set aside for development. Enjoyed the guys helping. Ty and London haven’t quite got the ‘bounce’ technique down with the weed eaters, but they will!👍🏻 Great content 💚💚💚👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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