Backyard Garden

Solo, Mid, or Big Lawn Care Business? is a mirror image of the business model Jonathan used to build Florida Turf Pros. If you’re looking to start your own lawn care business, or if you feel like your lawn care business should be more profitable than what it is, this is the course for you.

My 3 Favorite Lawn Care Tools:

For Pruning: Dewalt Hand Saw
Best Multi Tool: Leatherman Skeletool
Best Boots: Merrell Foresbtound

My Story:

In 2016 I had been in law enforcement for almost 7 years.

I was not in control of my schedule, I was hardly making any money, and I was away from my family working nights and holidays. I was capable of more,, and I was silently suffering. I knew I was selling myself and my family short.

I started Florida Turf Pros as a side hustle in 2016 before going full time in 2017.

My lawn business changed my life. I control my own schedule, my own income, and I am proud of what I have built.

On this channel you will learn the steps I have taken (and am still taking) to have a lawn care business that serves ME and my family’s needs.

We are a small owner operated company (2 full time mowing trucks/crews, and now a sod installation division).

If you are interested in starting a lawn care business this channel will provide the direction.

This really is a great industry to be in…

And I hope that by documenting my journey it will help you too.


  1. You think 80 yards bi weekly solo at around 65 dollar average is good solo I want to do 20,000 a month solo I’m 18 and have been doing it from 16 I graduate in a few months and I am planning on around a 14-16 hour mow day 4 days a week

  2. I couldn’t agree more. I was manger at brick man for years and the large companies are for the birds. My company does 600/700k on average and wouldn’t change it for the world. I do all the chemical applications and have 2 guys full time and occasional help in spring for mulching season. Like you no debt and it’s extremely profitable. Good video and continued success to you and your team.

  3. If I could one to match the way I work, I'd be glad to pay him more than a fair amount to help me grow my company and just show up to service customers on the regular✂💯

  4. I've been on both sides and with other businesses as well. I'm solo now and enjoy it. I've been around the block when it comes to business and employees. Don't fool yourselves, you're always working. You may not be doing manual labor, but you're working.

    I've created investment accounts outside my retirement accounts. They are dividend investments and yes they're taxable, but I don't care. If I was to be injured etc, I have that income. I love REITs! I prefer them over being a landlord.

    I also like to do other side hustles that don't take much effort.

    My days of having employees are long over. I'd rather invest in companies, let someone else do all the work and I'll just take my piece of the pie. I love being solo and if I decide to take on a big job, I have no problem finding temp labor.

  5. Thank you I appreciate hearing other views appreciate your content love that you're doing so well👍👍

  6. Ooooohhhhhh Johnathan. I was the medium size business for years running on the hamster wheel. I moved allot of money but didn't really make allot (my failure, I own it). Been back to solo since 2018 and loving it. Loving it as long as I stay safe and don't get hurt. My safety net is being debt free and more than a years worth of emergency fund. Excellent video.

  7. My bro and I made our first "full-time" hire last season. You can make more money with a help but I'd like to gain some freedom by letting them work while I go away for a few days. My biggest problem is I would be without a vehicle if they are working….

  8. We're a larger mid-size business based on your definition. 3-4 crews is perfect for us. Big enough to pump out a ton of work because we focus on efficiency and have the proper equipment. We do the same volume as other companies I know with more crews because we're so dialed in. It's big enough to give me a very nice living without being in the field but not so big that I'm detached. I personally didn't like being smaller because if anything happened to me I'd be in trouble. I also always felt like I was beholden to our larger customers because they could erase a huge portion of revenue if they jumped ship. Being a mid-size company gives me a lot more options. Great video! There's no right or wrong answer for this, I would just caution people to be very careful if they're income is solely dependent on them doing the work.

    We are 100% zero debt including trucks and I personally wouldn't have it any other way!

  9. I don’t normally comment.. But you really hit home for me and Im sure alot of others out there. I am in that middle range and I do feel that I am really close to where I want to be and am very happy with that! I truly hope others listened to this and do what makes them happy and don’t give into the pressure of others opinions of what is successful.
    Thank you for all of your great content!! 👊

  10. Thank you for the consistent advice! I’m solo, part-time, and would like to pick up more business next season. That’s what I’m working on.

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