Japanese Garden

The First Frost in The Bonsai Garden

As temperatures plummet in the UK we experience our first hard frost of the year in The Bonsai Garden.

The soil has set in the pots.
For the most part the trees are winter hardy, including the japanese maples, down to about -10 celcius for brief periods, and so specific winter care is not ususlly necessary.

I will keep an eye on both my Chinese Golden Larch and Trident maple and maybe bring them into my cool conservatory if the spell looks to be prolonged or becomes extremely cold.

Wrap up warm and enjoy the frosty ambiance πŸ™πŸ₯Ά



  1. Wonderful vid Jason. I enjoy this season as well. Some well deserved rest from all necessary work and more time to enjoy and appreciate the work done over the season and time to plan for next.

  2. Great video Jason. As a newcomer to the hobby I'm rather anxious about freezing temperatures but looking at yours all outdoor puts me at ease.

  3. Definitely doesn't look as cold over there. We've been getting -5 for the past few days and the ground and pots are frozen solid

  4. Ah, winter in a slightly warmer temperate zone. Beautiful and green! Here in Idaho, it is brown, with snow on the north sides of the house. We flirt with temps in the teens, have long moved trees into winter storage, dream of next season and anticipate pruning and repotting. It is lovely to see your trees and the koi enjoying the last traces of autumn weather. Here comes Jack Frost! Always such a treat to see your garden! Thanks!

  5. Very calming stroll through your tree collection with the holiday music. I might make some hot chocolate for my wife and I later and cue this video up again. All the best✌️

  6. I don't know how you exhaled that long to keep that steam effect running that long.🀣
    All joking aside. Another great video Jason! Your trees are looking very lovely.

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