Backyard Garden


Chelcie, Jason, Alexia discuss the implementation of agenda 2030 in Utah.
The dangers of smart cities, and smart solutions along with the internet of things.
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Utah State Statute (Bills):

Rainwater Harvesting Act:

Capture & Storage or Precipitation:

Stormwater Capture Amendments:

Great Salt Lake Amendments:

Water Preference Rights (New amendments proposed for 2023 are separate and available for download at the legislative calendar from October 16th and 17th of 2022):

Acts Against “Water Facilities”:

State Water Policy Amendments:

Facial Recognition:

Forced isolated quarantines:

Governor can destroy sick livestock:

The inspection of farms, gardens, and green houses, and the interruption of water rights, under eminent domain, are all under the Water Shortage Emergency Amendments for 2023 on the legislative calendar as well. (Also Oct. 16-17 of this year). Regulation and “cure” of communicable diseases is also listed under this same bill.


  1. Recent terrorist activity has focused on the extreme vulnerability of the US electrical grid.
    A few days ago, a very few and cheap bullets destroyed $millions of HV electrical transformers. That simple and cheap terrorist method knocked out communities' electrical power for a long time. No suspects have been caught yet. The FBI are either idiots or complicit in a False Flag operation … or both. AG Garland is too busy attacking Domestic Terrorist Mothers to worry about REAL terrorist attacks on our electrical grid.

    A single 30 caliber bullet (which costs $2) shot from a rifle over 2 miles away can permanently destroy a HV transformer which costs $millions. It is a very costly and slow process to replace a HV transformer. Those HV transformer are NOT just sitting on a shelf but must be MANUFACTURED.

    Our natural gas pipeline system is much more robust against a terrorist attack. Please retain your natural gas heating systems. Electrical power systems are VERY susceptible to cheap terrorist weapons and methods. (in addition to an EMP or CME event)

    A single $2 bullet can easily knock out the electrical supply to an entire military base. It will take many days or weeks to bring the electrical system back to life. Ukraine is learning the HARD WAY … Russians shooting their HV transformers.

    The IEEE Societies in USA have investigated this horrible vulnerability and made recommendations for providing protections. But those methods will take DECADES to retrofit.

    Keep your NATURAL GAS systems and consider storing some emergency propane for heating.

    702 Texans froze to death in the last TX cold spell. Some members of the IEEE warned Texas about that YEARS before the deadly event. But Global Warming advocates won the argument and hundreds of Texans died. Don't let it happen in Utah.

  2. I live in Idaho. I have family in Utah. I will share this video with them and ask them to share it. I will also share with Idaho acquaintances. It can happen here in Idaho.

  3. Great job of educating about these SECRET COMBINATIONS!

    Does AG Sean Reyes get a kickback from these mining ventures?

    Utahns are so naive and ignorant of these devious government plans.
    Utah is the WORST and MOST CORRUPT!

    My aunt who was Utah Mother of Year for 1961 worked for CIA, Ford Foundation, USAID and Rockefeller Foundation in Indonesia with Obama's Mother (YES! Obama's mother and both of her parents were DEEP STATE CIA operatives). Obama's mother and Dad met in a CIA funded Russian language class at the University of Hawaii. The CIA flew Obama's Dad to Hawaii from Africa. Obama is a PRODUCT of the CIA. The CIA paid for him.

    Do you have any documentation showing any levels of ARSENIC associated with the Great Salt Lake? Are those mining ventures on BLM lands or State lands?

    Thank you

  4. It's great to talk about all this, I have seen this and been pounding the table about this since I saw the UN take over the Salt Palace.

  5. Total corrupt legislature, all government agencies, most majors, auditors of property taxes, highest tax ever, utah supreme court shot us down cuz they passed a law to stop our petitions without our knowledge, so heads of church is involved in this too. They have no right to control ir regulate water, or appliances, utilities, we need to stand up, revolt, contact brunson brothers to help us get a lawsuit out against this crap, get ahold of the real president trump online through sending him comments. Send this out to anyone and everyone to help us. Utah has been taken over by deep state. STAND UP. send out all over. Ask people to help us. This is sick. They have no right to censor us, or control what we do it's none of there business. I'm hearing alliance white hats should take over soon. We have too many sheep here in Utah. I hope this all gets caboshed here soon. 🙏

  6. You have to remember they stole all our elections in urah. There all fake. It's sickening. I voted for all new people and I know the utah elections were rigged too.

  7. There are SOOO many good people in Utah that have no clue this is all happening!!!! We’ve got to ALL keep sharing the info & continue to TRY & ‘warn our neighbors’ of our awful situation!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  8. Years ago I had a dream and saw these cities. I saw what appeared to be Orem or Provo. It didn’t turn out how they planned. It was a desolate waste. The only transportation available was mass transit (rail). The streets were empty and there was a strange enforcement presence I’ve never seen before.

  9. just so you are aware, I had to turn cc because i cannot understand you. please slow down and enunciate.

  10. Politicians can't GIVE our TAKE AWAY rights. They can only make previsions to our God Given rights under Nature's Law of our Constitution.

  11. I'm wondering when people will wake up to the fact the government are corporations. Listed on Dunn & Bradstreet. So that's not government. "The government only operates on the consent of the governed" …. when is someone going to address the elephant in the room? Furthermore, we're contracted with the gov't (birth certificates, SS#'s and Driver's Licenses) which means we're employees of the corporation. They have jurisdiction over us. All the laws and codes will apply…. Until you learn how to break the contracts and claim back what's rightfully yours. By operating in the private, you can't be attacked by the corporations. You can demand your name/personage is removed from all databases. You can invoice government for all their infractions and more. You must know who you are and be comfortable to stand on it. Nothing in law is as it seems. There's alot of true education that still needs to be done to free people. I've got a mouthful to share

  12. Of all the people who should be hyper vigilant about all of this, it should be LDS folks. We’ve clearly been demoralized just like the rest of the world. We are not peculiar, we are not special. We were just as easily brainwashed. Please, awake folks, we must keep fighting. Our very salvation depends upon it. This is just a continuation of the war in heaven.

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