Japanese Garden

TheKnitGirllls Ep598 – Should'a Gnome Better

This week we talk knitting, spinning, watercolor, and SSK 2023.


  1. the 4th grade teacher sweater looks awesome! as does the KSF POC inclusive handspun. I knit a pair of socks in that colorway a while back and they look great. Hope to get to SSK one of these years.

  2. Well, that’s a great bit of holiday cheer, Laura, that the character you’re reading about is no longer ‘locked in a basement’. Ho Ho Ho!!
    Jinny – UK

  3. In order to charge a purchase to a Disney magic band, the user sets a 4-digit PIN number that has to be entered for each purchase. This prevents someone else from charging purchases to the magic band if it is lost.

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