Garden Plans

Keep water 💦 away from the foundation by adding this…

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Use underground gutter drains or foundation french drains to keep water away from the foundation. You can also run your a/c drip lines into this drain to avoid the water pooling up right against the foundation.

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  1. As long as the plant isn't getting over watered I don't see a problem. Plant needs water anyway, why waste it?

  2. The AC lines get an algae like build up inside and eventually plug. You call a HVAC guy out to fix it. He will cut those lines off back above ground so they are serviceable, then clean them out. He will then tell you to leave them alone.

  3. My builder thought it was OK to just leave the jvac lines to drip into the foundation. He literally told me " it's not enough water to make a difference " …I collected a gallon an hour in the summer time…..that's enough water to make a difference!

    I called the (construction) inspections dept and asked the supervisor how this passed a final inspection. He came out to inspect, called builder and told him he needed to AT LEAST run drip lines into the gutters.

    As far as algae builder up, homeowners can clean those lines.

  4. AC personel need to be able to see those drip lines dripping.
    It is part of the inspection.

    It signifies certain issues.

  5. If you install a 4" grate at the condensation lines or a soaker hose to water the plants and act like a leaching field.

  6. that way you can use your tap water on your plants and dump the free stuff into nature

  7. I do not recommend that, gutter lines tend to get clogged You need to see your emergency drip line. Best to run your primary line to a vent stack or sewage line, make sure it has a p-trap!

  8. If you ever need to vacuum the condensation lines (to remove a moldy clog), that might be a problem.

  9. Please don’t do that coming from a hvac tech works well until it backs up and if called we will cut them above ground to service them and reconnect if homeowner really wants to

  10. check your main drip line for mold, exterior is the backup and may indicate main is clogged with mold. Can unclog with compressed air.

  11. I'd look to connect the gutters to water butts/ tanks. There are flat ones that can be mounted against the wall of the house – great for times of water shortage. There are under ground tanks too. Both i would have for my own use too.

  12. Air gap it if you want todo something like this; or upgrade your condensate lines to like, i dunno, 1.5 or 2"

  13. Is it just condensate from your AC or is it condensate from your gas furnace. Discharging carbonic acid, which is a byproduct of 90% gas furnace is supposed to go to a sanitary drain.

  14. just a quick question… what happens if the gutter line past the HVAC blocks up with debris during a sh*t storm?

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