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THE Live Show: Ohio State starting Peach Bowl prep, Buckeyes place in NIL landscape

Ohio State is a little under three weeks away from its Peach Bowl date with Georgia and the Buckeyes are working slowly but steadily to get back into a game-week routine.

How difficult is that for players to juggle? How are the Buckeyes coaches preparing for the Bulldogs as the changes in college football come crashing down around college programs around the country?

That’s just some of the fun, casual conversation on Monday as THE Podcast returns to Rooster’s Restaurant on Olentangy River Road in Columbus for the weekly live show.

Former Buckeyes linebacker Bobby Carpenter and quarterback Justin Zwick join THE Podcast’s Austin Ward and Jeremy Birmingham — as well as Rooster’s Nicole Cox — to break it all down.

Want more of Austin, Bill and Birm? Head to and join them in the Horseshoe Lounge.

#OhioStateFootball #bigtenfootball #BigTen #buckeyesfootball #Buckeyes #THEPodcast


  1. I ate a Rooster's last weekend for the first time. OMG, best wings I've ever ate. I wish there was one closer to home. Will definitely be a stop.

  2. I am an Ohio State fanatic. But no way in hell am I going to contribute to college football becoming the NFL. Overpaid babies.

  3. This whole NIL situation is absolutely insane…they’re literally turning college football into the NFL but honestly probably even worse than that. Bobby said it best when spoke about players not getting developed but instead chasing the money. Not only will this hurt the quality of play but it will strip college football of its tradition. I absolutely hate it. If it gets bad enough it will be really difficult for me to continue watching. And I’m a 30 year life-long fan.

  4. If our team is a reflection of this show it’s no wonder why we can’t beat Michigan, I keep trying to make it through but it’s pathetic and she must be an owner of rooters bc her mom’s mentality kills me.

  5. A part from A and M I believe OhioState brings in more cash than everyone else. My small fix would be revenue share from TV deals. Which instead of giving large amounts of money up front its broken up over a period of time. Increasing the game day experience selling official gear which goes to a pool which to be divided up over a period of time. Coming in if player X or C wants the scholarship that scholarship will be fulfilled. A player willingness to commit should get scholarship increased from revenue sharing without even talking NIL. Players just chasing NIL should pay their own way with their NIL deals. Put the thinking back on the players and their families. You want NIL fine but u must pay own room and board kinda like a glorified walk-on. Those that want to come in be students athletes get that full ride gets the revenue sharing from TV deals plus scholarship incentives per quarter. It's simple stuff IMO. The NCAA clearly doesn't have intellect for

  6. Ryan Day, making 8 million a year, Gene Smith, making 2 million a year, and Bobby Carpenter, who made over 8 million in his NFL career, asking the 5th grade teacher, the mailman, and the cement truck driver to give money to kids who are already financially and athletically blessed beyond measure, who already drive Bentleys and Lamborghinis, who already wear 2 thousand dollar suits, and who already get a college education and ALL that comes with that for FREE, is just… insane. If Ohio State football, which I love, fades into mediocrity due to NIL, then so be it. Im an alum; I paid for tuition, I bought absurd amounts of Ohio State gear over the years, I belonged to Buckeye Club, I bought season ticket packages for decades, I took numerous bowl game and national title game trips, and I've paid Ohio state taxes, a portion of which go to supporting our public university, for longer than than anybody on this broadcast has been alive…but there is absolutely no chance that I will donate to Denzel Burke's Lamborghini gasoline fund. It just won't happen.

  7. Austin, please do math lol. You don’t need more than that he amount of people coming to horseshoe. 100k ppl at $10 a month is 12 million. Add in the wealthier boosters, the fact that you should be offering variable donation plans from $5 to a thousand a month like bama does and you have tens of tens of millions. What you need is organization. A team dedicated to making this happen. Not the half ass effort we have right now from the school and our wealthy boosters.

  8. The NIL fix is that your not allowed to pay for kids before they have played a snap. Kids can have agents and work with local and regional businesses and sign stuff and make money along with making a salary from the NIL funds. The better you play the more you can earn. The whole buying recruits isn't what the NIL was supposed to be.

  9. Holy crap. You put a female on and it turns into a cackling hen fest. Even after a few fast forwards it continued. Come back when you're actually talking football.

  10. Yes, CJ needs to play his best game. But if our secondary was given up big plays, we would have beat ttun. Football is a team sport. I would mention that players need need to be in control of their emotions, penalties hurt us.

  11. I assume you never hear the word amateur anymore. College sports is becoming a joke. Think I am about done with it. I know a lot people saying BS to this. I tell you this, I used to watch sports both college and professional all the time I have stopped watching mlb and nba already, don't miss them at all. One more taking a knee episode and NFL will be gone for me. NCAAB used to be my favorite, now the really good teams turn over players every year you don't recognize them anymore. I watch very little of that anymore, what a shame! Is college football next, i think so! Don't underestimate how many people feel this way!

  12. Since CJ was going to sit out for a bowl game I think he needs to sit out now. Move on to someone who wants to play. McCord time Fine with me win or loose. Don’t need a half ass performance trying not to get hurt.

  13. People need to read the NIL rules. THE Ohio State University is not allowed to pay players. NIL funds must from outside sources not the university themselves.

  14. CJ's ready to take a dive, throw 2-3 picks, fumble and get himself ready for the NFL draft…get that paycheck monkey boy!!!

  15. A close loss will be understandable – and really 'expected' by most ? – – – A blow out loss is not so easy to understand after "the game" and the so called "5 plays" ! – – – Buckeye fans have 'expectations' – given some 35 days off & being relatively healthy. –?–

  16. I love Ryan Day and the Buckeyes, but this whole circle of care thing sounds like they need a safe space for their minds. It sounds hippie soft. My uncle gave me some great advice when I was about seven. He told me when I fell down and cut my knee to slap it, rub dirt on it, and GET UP. Good medical advice? No, but good mental advice. Don't lay there crying, get up and move on. That attitude can beat Georgia. Sitting in a room and talking about your feelings will get you stomped. If you need someone to talk to, talk to God. He has your best interest and doesn't charge anything.

  17. Ohio State should raise every students tuition $1000 a year, and give it to football. At 50,000-60,000 students that 50-60 million a year would take care of NIL nicely. And it would not cost the students anything because sleepy Joe would forgive their debt LOL.

  18. Bob does it again! The sec is Thanos with 5 stones and about to get the money stone to set off end game in college football hahaha. The sad part is hes right. Why do we get so focused on doing the right thing and losing. Its just money and football. Its not paying for murder. Lfg and get the big money guys to donate, the rest of us will pitch in our peanut shells and bring the intensity. Thats all i have to say about that…OH!

  19. Ohio state football can prepare all they want but Georgia bulldogs still going to kick ohio state ass Georgia will be national championship this year 2022 2023

  20. Didn't realize I was tuning into the Bobby Carpenter show, thought he had his own show, Zwick can't even get a word in, good grief.

  21. If we won the Michigan game, we would still be getting ready for the playoffs. Get Over It. It's a gift, we're playing on house money. Relax and enjoy the ride. Give them hell, Go Bucks

  22. I disagree with the asinine assessment of Marvin Harrison being the best receiver. The award went to the right person- Hyatt. He really was the best receiver in the whole country. The kid was unbelievable

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