Container Gardening

Garden Tour Vegetables Kale Tomatoes Papaya Container Gardening Woodchips

Spring is almost here, green vegetables are doing great, Purple Red Kale, Swiss Chard green and Red, Broccoli, Collard, herbs and growing in woodchips.


  1. Hey Robbie! I'm a big fan of your channel and watch you all of the time. I just wanted to suggest to you to feed some of your collards and greens to your chickens as a snack for them. I give my chickens greens from my garden and they LOVE them. The chickens also love eggplants, tomatoes, and whole radishes. My chickens absolutely love eggplant and will fight over it!

  2. My husband and i are gonna be mapping out where my gardens going tomorrow and i couldn't be any more excited over it. I bought so many seeds that im dying to get in the ground but up til i have him figure out where the drain field is out my hands are tied.

  3. Robbie, I am with you on the papaya tree..I think if you take the one you will loose the other one..with that said it's not quite time to start planting seeds but what a wonderful time to clean everything up..get ready for all the freshness the garden has to offer…I can't wait for another beautiful season…best wish in your journey

  4. You should not complain about the spring coming, I still have 4-5 feet of snow here in Quebec Canada.!! Have a great day.
    Frank from Canada

  5. I hope you are rotating with plants in your pots to help the nutrients to keep going in the soil, or changing it from time to time. It helps the growth.

  6. Looking gorward yo seeing your place after the clean up…large area should be vital and beautiful for spring.Good job you!

  7. I am also a cold weather WIMP! Now I live in NorCal & for the first time in my life I got to "experience" a few feet of snow & a ton of broken tree limbs a few weeks ago. NO THANK YOU. I hope it doesn't happen again next year. The fireplace saved our butts when the power was out for 3 days. It was fun to cook over a fire….but not the way I want to live in my older years. Yep, growing up in SoCal has ruined me & I miss it ever so much.

  8. I am soooo much a summer person…I like the spring and the fall…but cold wet dreary weather takes my joy…Cara in Indiana

  9. I believe the coyotes roll in the Rosemary to mask their scent which will allow them to sneak up on their prey…pure animal instinct…and it smells so much better than a rotting carcass or poo which the will also do…lol…Cara in Indiana

  10. (ginny) No need for quick. You’ve taught me do much! My whole garden is in totes, buckets and pots!! Thank you.

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