Front Yard Garden

EPIC Leaf Blowing // Ventrac Leaf Blower

This epic leaf blowing video shows off one of my favorite Ventrac tractor implements, the Ventrac leaf blower, power blower, KA160, or whatever you want to call it.

The Ventrac leaf blower plus a backpack blower makes for short work of any leaf blowing project. Not to mention, its enjoyable and easier on the body at the end of the day.

I don’t get nearly the amount of leaves on my yard that I used to, but I can easily clean up an acre of leaves in two hours, vs six hours with a backpack blower. Now that’s efficient!

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  1. The Ventrac leaf blower plus a backpack blower makes for short work of any leaf blowing project. Not to mention, its enjoyable and easier on the body at the end of the day.

  2. I live in PA and have about a dozen huge white oaks surrounding my property that dump leaves over a 2 month period. I have been blowing the leaves onto the grass and moving them up until they basically disappear down into the turf. I have a combination of Fescue and blue grass. Any of the remaining leaf litter in the turf that hasn't decomposed during the winter, I clean up in the spring. Do you see any downside to doing this? Does it promote mold or insects? I seem to have a nice yard in the spring, but have a rip roaring problem with grubs every fall. Are the mulched leaves adding to my grub problem?

  3. how is your Zoysia still green??? mine has been dormant and brown for over a month. I'm in the Raleigh area

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