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What JUST Leaked Out of Congress Is HORRIFYING!

For 18 FREE meals with HelloFresh plus free shipping, use code 18STEPHEN at! Members of congress openly say they won’t return any of the stolen FTX money. Lawsuits will start very soon. Republicans announce they are going after Dr. Fauci for gain of function funding and the lab leak cover up story. Trump teases of a big announcement tomorrow and the white house has to walk back two of Bidens comments.

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Who is Stephen Gardner?

Stephen Gardner is a best-selling financial author with 8 books. He is also does financial coaching to show clients how to build wealth and quickly eliminate their debt using his FOCUS method. His most popular book is Taming Wall Street.

The two strategies taught in Taming Wall Street did NOT lose money during the coronavirus market drop, The Great Recession or the Great Depression.

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Stephen is on a mission to help strengthen America one family at a time.

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  1. For 18 FREE meals with HelloFresh plus free shipping, use code 18STEPHEN at!
    Are members of congress complicit in stealing American investor's money?
    Was covid leaked from a lab or a wet market in China?

  2. Sam freed was just a face this whole thing was most likely done by Democrat politicians. Which is why they had him arrested before he could testify under oath. They should all be arrested for receiving stolen money.

  3. This is why I would never take a chance on investing in crypto currency. It has become so easy to scam people when the economy is already tough, but not tough for all apparently! It's totally shameful that some in Congress are so greedy themselves that they can then turn around and blame the people who wanted student loan forgiveness saying that it's they're problem and they should be paying their own debt back. So later, we the people, only find out after the fact that the lot of them took out ppp loans that they themselves will never have to payback. Most of them are also doing insider trading and how is that even fair? I used to feel comfortable with what little lifestyle that I was afforded to on ssdi, but now with all that's been going on in the past 2 years I no longer feel that safety net that I once had and that I'm only one monthly paycheck away from being homeless. Never did I think I would ever hear myself say these words.

  4. I'm retired and my retirement ira, year to date isn't just fine! But of course politicians get rich during these bad times so nothing will change.

  5. Jack Dorsey is full of shut!! Oh after the damage is done he has such regret. The “radical” staff took over and he went on an extended leave. He was and has been ALL in the whole time. I wish him and his millions the worst.

  6. The only one confused here is the resident of the white house. He's so confused about his own life. He doesn't have a clue about what's going on, because he has to be told what to say. He gets off script so much his wife gets disgusted. No clue as to what is really going on with the American people suffering under his policies. It's a clown show 🤣

  7. What about those innocent people that it was stolen from?? Shouldn’t they decide where their stolen money goes?? Perhaps it should be returned to them!! BTW, The Salvation Army is part of the Democratic Party so to donate it to them is the same as keeping it!!! SHAME ON ALL OF THOSE WHO WONT GIVE THE MONEY BACK TO WHOM IT BELONGS!! Haven’t they stolen enough from WE THE PEOPLE???? How is it if you become a Politician for a million years , you often end up with millions of dollars?? This isn’t how this was set up by our forefathers. You were elected into office. You then had to leave the place where you were employed for the duration of your term in office, I believe it was four years. After that , you went back to the place where you were previously employed. No one came out of office with millions of dollars like they do today!! Why do you suppose that’s the case today? Do you believe there may be some corruption going on ?? Tell us your thoughts please!!! We the people have to put term limits on these greedy politicians!!! They should stay in POWER no longer than 4 years, just like a president!! I’m sick and tired of the blatant in your face, transparent corruption that’s been going on, more so now than ever in history!!! They actually believe that they are in control of we the people!! It’s time to DRAIN THAT FILTHY SWAMP AND REMOVE ALL OF THE POLLYWOGS THAT WILL BE SWIMMING ON THE BOTTOM!!!! SWAMP CREATURES NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR EVIL CORRUPT CRIMES!!! NANCY PALOSI, HILLARY CLINTON, MITCH MCCONNELL, MITT ROMNEY, LIZ CHENEY, CHUCKLES THE CLOWN SCHUMER, JERRY NADLER, MAXINE WATERS, OBAMA, GEORGE BUSH AND ESPECIALLY THE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY!!!! FEEL FREE TO ADD TO THE LIST… OOPS, I FORGOT JAMES COMEY, ADAM SCHIFF, JIM MCKAY AND MERRICK GARLAND 🇺🇸🙏🏽✝️♥️

  8. I think Trump announcement will be that the military has been running the country even prior to the election and Biden never one he has been played by an actor!

  9. The government officials get richer while the rest of us get poor they just keep taxing and raising prices and our incomes can't keep up

  10. He never ran a company nor did his son… companies are not normally run to lauder moneybwell at least real companies

  11. Trump was going to get rid of tick tock but since he didn't get into office again that went down the tubes but he was going to make it illegal or whatever he had to do to get rid of it. I don't remember where I heard that or when I heard it but it came up somewhere

  12. we was told Medicare was going to go down this year for Social Security will they gave me a raise and then raise my medicare by 20 bucks the second year in a row they're shysters it's like Godfather is running the country

  13. I said something on social media I learned on this channel and it was erased the day after I said it it's getting old

  14. 😅 omg is Biden out of it not knowing what’s going on ? What raises when we are at least 2-3 mos behind our bills ?

  15. I'm on a fixed income consisting solely of my Social Security check. The last two years have been and continue to be hell. The two biggest areas for me are gas and food.

  16. No I can't afford anything have no luck winning anything either. Now at times I understand why people who really need it rob stores. Not people doing it just cause they can. I got sent a census text to me to fill out but just doesn't ask who lives in your house, Asking if you are transgender if gas is priced high or do u now ride the T or bike and if you get medical Food stamps etc. Then in the end wants your name and everything else ! I never seen this done like this before! Got call from Shummer's office this morning on Tic tok ,Not Demorat so why they calling here. Crazy!

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