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The Plot To Make Prince Philip King | The Political Origins Of The Royal Love Match | Real Royalty

Prince Philip: The Plot to Make a King tells the fascinating inside story of the fierce tensions unleashed when the Queen fell in love with Prince Philip. Tensions that would place huge strain on the royal marriage, and would shape the future of Elizabeth’s reign. The royal and political elite disliked Philip’s German roots and they also disliked his larger than life, ferociously ambitious uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten. This film draws on unpublished memoirs to show how Mountbatten manoeuvred for a royal marriage as early as the winter of 1939-40, when the Queen was just 13.

But when Mountbatten was heard to declare, ‘The House of Mountbatten now reigns’, following the death of King George VI in 1952, the establishment fought back against what they feared was a dynastic coup. Churchill himself was very instrumental in making sure Philip would have no meaningful power and some of the royal family members at the time were also opposed to the prospect of this royal match.

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  1. just opened this clip because what i want to write concerns so called head of Nations or kings of earlier times, in strange psychosis build since centuries where one blind head has its nose firmly in others butthole of following same regulations systems set not paying attention that times, population needs of people have changed and changed drastically but like famous NY dog show walking around in circles noses in each others buttholes, this male club of bucket lists of animals being taken out to be crowned.. after all it is male club which loves to align themselves with animal kingdom so whether it is rabbits panthers loins, hyneas coyeotes their nano brain never could see what changes to bring in, everything handed down generation to generation rot, if they could only think out of being animals then they would have known what are needs of human beings.. in which first is roof, food medical education these are not luxuries but needs, on which every human being has right to have and leaderships have to provide it no matter what…nobody should be left out from these basic cares…. its horrifying to what levels life has been allowed to slid down by these non doers following each others assholes…. in that select circle of animal kingdom… medical doesn't need insurance companies to eat everything.. it is a need based care and not to be paid monthly on hypothesis, when need arise you must have freedom to go to doctor who can take care with nominal comfortable fee for both parties, not trouble you with plans paperwork rubbish by the time that is supposed to be done people have died a fact this imethod is what all western Nations are following why? ask the blind lobbies bribed by medicine lobby , roof with utilties nobody but nobody should be roofless yet? wages, rent ratio unbleievble even private wealth can do something about with their shining name embossed on those acts buildings,but they would rather pay to coyotes for dead art hanging on their walls… and what is leadership doing? ask them bribed by builders lobbies…. its disgusting to what levels standard a normal life has been brought to be so called your choice of leaders…. shame on all of you who go running to vote for these.. these.. words fianlly fail me to give them names jackals hyenas to what not…. they can do/change anything which only benfits their circles, taxes write off, notes denominators changed overnight but never the right things which needs to be done…

  2. and so dumb on top of that they have no vision to even understand how fragile everything is built on source of energy which can get over if long term alternatives are not formed/found starting now, after all more then 100 years have passed using this resource…rather then spend on those reasearches everything goes for arms arsenal to what not which actually spend fuels electricity to what not depleting energy source further.

  3. A good documentary that helps put together so many puzzles in the Royal Family life. Prince Philips was just a man with experience, strong character with brave and endurance in his life. That documentary says it all. Queen Elizabeth II did not stop loving him as a man of her life. They were also great- great- cousins. From Queen Victoria. Amazing story!

  4. What puzzles me is how the divorcee who contributed to the break-up of Princess Diana's marriage is now the Queen of England while Philip was not allowed to be a king. The English ruling class strike me as an hypocritical lot.

  5. No Prince Philip was not the only man on the earth not to give his name to his children. Firoz husband of Indira Nehru Gandhi in India also gave name of MK Gandhi to his family – Gandhi. Reasons unknown.

  6. The irony is the royal family before Phillip was already 2/3rds German.

    Victoria = German mother, Prince Albert (husband) full German. Their children and grandchildren (X) are still the Royal Family.

    The Queen was Victorias direct great (X) granddaughter, phillip her great (X) grandson. Phillip through direct line with one of victorias daughters and Elizabeth through her eldest son and heir aka Birdie (Albert) King Edward VII. His son was George V.

    BTW the Queens grandmother (queen mary) was also GERMAN. They're more German than anything, Phillip just made their heirs even more so. In addition Mountbatten wasn't Phillips family name, he took it (from uncle) to marry the queen.

  7. I am trully humbled. Prince and Queen Elizabeth rest in eternal power. I have learned what sacrifies means in its true form. Now that you are gone i love you more. Rest in Eternal peace. Prince Phillip was the glue that made the house of Winsor Glorious.

  8. What are they complaining…the whole royal family comes from Germany and Austria…
    Prince Philip would have betrayed the Queen, he accepted his role once he accepted being the consort to the future Queen.

  9. So everything is confirmed to be planned behind the curtains. Strings are pulled. Interesting interview that even put some light on which intrigues might have played in the past with King Edward and play actually with Prince Harry (and Andrew).

  10. If he did not marry her, he'd be a penniless prince marrying to another established family.

  11. Royals were so hypocrite when it comes Philip marrying Elizabeth II. British royals have the same german blood/ancestry. Why pick on Prince Philip? Elizabeth I manipulates the lives of her daughters. Lucky, Lilibeth wasn't dictated by her, but poor Margaret suffered. The only true british blood is Diana.

  12. This documentary made me laugh at all of the Prince’s relatives bemoaning his treatment by the reigning House of Windsor. As if all the queen consorts of England weren’t treated as badly or worse! One does remember that Henry VIII murdered 2 of his wives and imprisoned his first wife, doesn’t one? Previous queen consorts had no rights at all. His marriage was his choice. He was a minor royal. What better life could he have had? It didn’t turn out as he expected due to the king’s early death, but whose life does? Anyway, why do the children have to have the father’s surname? Until fairly recently,one could never be sure of the father, but there never a doubt about the mother. He had a fabulous life and should have been on his knees every night thanking God for it.

  13. I love how these people who were not even a twinkle in their papa's eyes at the time of these events claim to know how people were 'feeling' 50 years ago.

  14. Why were the British Royal Family and British advisors upset that Prince Philip wasn't educated in their view ( he went to The Royal Naval Academy), when Queen Elizabeth II ( then Princess Elizabeth , first in line to the Throne), wasn't educated at all. outside of personal governesses in the palace, or at Windsor, and one personal tutor from a prestigious college, to teach her government, etc., , before she became Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the British Commonwealth.- for 70 years? The males were expected to be university educated and no one worried about their reputation and their virginity: however females were taught by governesses in private at the Palace or Castle, and expected to be constantly monitored to ensure they had a perfect reputation and maintained their virginity, regardless of what role they would be doing ? I'm very thankful that the double standard is gone, at last.

  15. Số của nữ hoàng thật tốt có cha là con cháu nhà vua bản thân là con vua ,mẹ cũng thuộc hoàng thân quốc thích ,rồi chính bản thân làm nữ hoàng có chồng đẹp trai,khội ngô tuấn tú thuộc giòng giõi trâm anh hoàng tộc ,và nữ hoàng sinh nhiều con ,,,,con đông ,cháu đàn ,,,thật là tốt phúc tướng

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