Japanese Garden

My Japanese Garden visit – Japanese Gardens at Liebenau Zen Monastery in Germany 05/2016

Japanese gardens at Liebenau Zen Monastery, Germany.


  1. A wonderful visit.!
    I would agree to engage me in that garden for at least a week.
    The garden is impressive with content and resting soul.

  2. Richtig schön! Wohne 20 km von dort entfernt und überlege schon länger dort einmal eine Zeit zu verbringen. Vielleicht magst du ja einen kurzen Eindruck von dir wiedergeben. 😊

  3. A lot of people say that the most beautiful japanese garden outside japan is in Portland, but actually this one is a thousand times more authentic and more beautiful.
    If it wasn't written in the description that this was in Germany i would have never believed it was outside Japan. Even the kind of birds we hear are the same we hear in Japan.
    This garden is an absolute masterpiece. Nothing is overdone, everything is in the right place, everything is genuine, it is a gem !
    I live in Japan 20 seconds away from a 700 years old Zen Monastery and it is almost the same feel as this garden on the video.
    The only difference are the trees. Here there are three 250 years old Cherry tree, a 400 years old plum tree which blooms in 2 colours half red half white and 600 years old pine tree.

  4. 素晴らしい庭園だ。ドイツ人にこんな日本の庭園を理解かつ愛されてるのには親近感を感じる。いい物はどこの国でも理解されるんだと思った。

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