Gardening Supplies

Weekend Gardening | Gardening 2021 Episode #1 | Early Spring Garden Cleanup


Follow along as I finally am able to work in the garden for the first time this year along with a review of new items I have purchased for this year’s garden.

Products Used In This Video:

Weed Whacker:

Hedge Trimmer:

Rain Boots:

Amazon Favorites:
Products and Décor I am loving right now!

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Robin Johnson
P.O. Box #16
Savage, MN 55378

Music: Music by Epidemic Sound

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#robinjohnsondecor #gardening


  1. I hear you, Robin. I wish it would get pretty by itself, too. We’re removing shrubs this year! I love pansies and violas even more. Sometimes the violas reseed. The dogs aren’t doing their fair share! Are the backs of your legs hurting?
    You should get an edger to remove the sod in front of your border.

  2. Love the planter idea! Voila! Instant planter! Your puppies are just the cutest! 🐕🐕🐕 I'm a garden procrastinator too…

  3. Well, I'm exhausted!😊
    You accomplished a lot!!
    I am in zone 6. We have our spring garden in. Lettuces, onions, cabbage , spinach.
    The tomatoes and peppers etc. Come later
    Happy gardening.
    Our flower beds have had daffodils and tulips so far. Peonies are next.
    Love your videos!!😊❤
    Love watching your puppies. So cute!!

  4. Love your garden layout. It is so much work, but so worth it. I worked outside today and I’m sore. Hope I can sleep tonight. Your little 🐕 are so sweet.

  5. Robin, the small pink plants that are in with the pink geraniums are called lantana. Love all the plants you got. Hard work to clean up the garden, but know that when you sit out in your back yard, your hard work produced all the beauty around you❣

  6. I dug up wild onions from my little flower garden area and low and behold there are more back in. Love husband and I have had to mow twice. Loved watching you today.

  7. I feel your pain. I have several flower beds, and every year I dread it more and more. But in the end, it always looks pretty and I love all the flowers.

  8. The music at the end with the dogs …🔥🔥😂🎶🎶 🐕 🐕 I never write comments but you always inspire me and push me to do something. 🙏 Stay safe be happy and thank you for being you. Amazing you. ☮️

  9. Robin, you actually made me exhausted. 😜. I am lucky that my hubby does all clean up and prep work for me. My problem is just waiting for him to get it done. I’m going to Costco tomorrow what a fantastic price on those hanging plants. Very excited. This year I have to get my back deck completely painted or stained haven’t decided yet what color. I wanna change the color of my house. Not sure I just clean up and plan to make it look pretty this year and enjoy the pool. Sometimes I can get so lazy when it comes to the outdoor things. Enjoy your weekend. Continue to stay safe

  10. Whew, Robin you wore me out just watching!! Your babies are just the cutest and I love the music you played with them at the end of your video 🙂. The other flower with your petunias might be Verbena. All your flowers are beautiful, wish I was close to a Costco. Thanks for sharing ❤️❤️

  11. Cheapy dish soap + water = weed killer.

    I know this because I once tossed a basin of my boys bubble juice off the porch railing and in 24 hours all it hit was dead!

    Of course they are in their late 30’s and don’t play with bubbles anymore. 🤣

  12. My mother loved lilacs so much.
    Someone gave her an off shoot pf their large bush. Mom planted and year after year hoped in vain for her small gift to bloom. We essentially moved to another house accross town After a couple of years, while returning from a Sunday drive in the country side, my sister and I asked my Father if we could drive past our old house and see what how it was doing in our absence. There in the back yard was an impressive lilac bush ladened with blooms. My Mother was beside herself. After years of care and concern her baby bush had bloomed for somone else.
    She jokingly (sort of) told my father to come back after dark and dig it up. 🤣

  13. Robin, this spoke to me today. We are in the same situation. I did not have the energy to garden last year and everything overgrew and just became a mess. Trying to get it back this year (I started some vegetable seeds and cleaned out some easier beds) but it is still a challenge to get motivated to do the work, even though I am excited about gardening this year. Thank you for inspiring me to get out there and get back to work at it!

  14. Robin, I found two l think vintage large tin soup pots. They are a pale yellow which l never seen before. I am going to try and use them as planters on our front steps.

  15. My garden is already planted and weeded and ready to go. And now we’re expecting an unusually late (really late) freeze, so I’m going to have to cover everything up this week. Don’t plant too early Robin!

  16. I’m like you, I hate gardening but, I do it because I love to see beautiful blooms all around my yard. And thanks for the idea with the pots too! Because I hate re-potting. Oh , and your dogs are adorable!

  17. You got so much done in your garden and with your pups for company, I was entertained. After doing gardening I often feel muscle aches and it does get harder to be motivated with getting older! Good motivating video Robin.

  18. You accomplished a lot and yes it’s had work trying to get a beautiful garden but at the end it’s all worth it love the plants 🪴 and the two gorgeous dogs 🐕 ❤️🌺🌱💕

  19. Hi Robin, your garden area is amazing, cannot wait to see it all in bloom. We have been having up and down weather here in upstate New York too. I was out weeding today and it was beautiful when I started then it got so cool and started raining so I had to quit. Love your ideas with just putting the flower arrangements inside a larger pot. Your pups were definitely ready to go outside, the are so cute.

  20. Your video really made me feel better. I love to plant annuals in pots on my front and back porches. Well, I live in Texas and the late winter snow storm took out most of my porch plants even though I moved them against the house wall, covered them in plastic and put the outdoor furniture in front of them to block the wind. I have been working on the landscaping plants in front of the house and to my relief, most are pulling through. But I have really, really, really been procrastinating on the porch plants. I am going to do less plants but bigger ones but starting over. My husband says he doesn’t, understand because I love it so much. I love the result but not the actual work!

  21. Robin, you did a great job in your garden! The only reason it was overwhelming is you didn't get it ready for Winter. Sounds like you have some ideas for your garden, looking forward to seeing how it all turns out!! Keep up the giid work!! TFS.😊 👍 💖 🌱 🌱 🌷 🌻 🌸 🌹 🌼 🌻 🌾

  22. Hi Robin! Love all the plants…Pretty! I tell ya, you're like a Machine when you work! I feel so Lazy! 🤭 It's like the yard had a beauty makeover….looks so nice! Your Pups
    are the Cutest! 🥰

  23. I believe the pink trailing plant is verbena. Yes, I too dread the work of the garden (especially as I age), but can't deny myself the beauty and peace that the work produces. Sending you "vibes" of determination and stamina…we shall get 'er done!!

  24. So much work but you will love it when it's done and you can sit in your swinging chair and watch your fur babies running around, they are so cute!

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