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David The Good's Grocery Row Garden Tour Mid-December – Here's What's Growing!

Let’s take a quick look around the garden before Christmas!

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Gardening in the South is up and down in the winter. Sometimes it’s warm, sometimes it’s freezing. Right now, the weather is calm, cool and wet, and we have plenty still growing. Come along and take a garden tour. We’ll look at the Victory Garden, the yam beds, and the Grocery Row Gardens, all covered in pretty weeds.


  1. I am about 30 miles southwest of St. Augustine, I just hope this cold spell knocks down the mosquitos. I get mauled trying to work in my garden. I have my 70 ft x 70 ft garden fenced to keep the deer out. I have 18 thirty gal barrel halves I use as raised planters for my seed beds. I just planted more brassicas to keep a secession going. I planted my yams in pots, my thought is to keep them in my greenhouse and plant them out in March. I checked and they are sprouting. Same with my cassava.

  2. Coming right along. You have a lot more to work with now. You will have an amazing garden this spring. You did well growing in dead soil so I'm fully confident that there's a Lotta good produce in your future.

  3. If you asked me first I could have told you that you would not be happy with those raised beds

  4. Afternoon, David. I have a nice active compost pile and just fed my worms, yesterday. We have low 40's coming here in central Fl over the next week. Should I cover it? First year having worms in my compost pile. Thanks!

  5. Looking so good David I love the garden tours Winter barely begun here in Washington I so want to be in my gardens so thanks for sharing n God bless 🙏 😊 🇺🇸

  6. Jeebus. For a second there I thought you had gotten hold of an infant goa’uld larva.

  7. I'm amazed at how fast you've put so much together. Looks great, and I'm a little jealous.
    Have you noticed less pest pressure when you leave some of the weeds?

  8. Your oats in the cabbage patch reminded me off a time my dad got new neighbors. My parents owned about 50-60 acres, it was part of my mother's family's original homestead. Now, there was an small house that was built by my great uncle in the 1930s that was close to our house. Their part of the family didn't live there so they rented out the house and it had a large fenced garden space. The people that moved in that one year, planted that big garden then just never touched it. And it grew into something that resembled an overgrown marsh. My dad was an old school gardener. He spent at least an hour or two everyday "tending" the garden. (that's Appalachian code for weeding) He would stand in an upstairs bedroom window and stare at the neighbors "weed patch" come down to the kitchen and get a cup of coffee and grumble to himself about said "weed patch". Mother would laugh (when he was out of hearing range) because that "weed patch" was growing bigger cabbages then his!!!!🤣🤣🤣

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