Japanese Garden

Conifer Garden Tour, Japanese Gardens have heavy influence on the Jean Iseli Memorial Garden.

Iseli Garden Tour 11-5-21. We have identified the featured plants along the way.

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  1. Love these videos with the names and long views! Do you know the name of the tree behind Picea Orientalist Firefly at the 2:42 mark? It’s very wide, weeping, and a blue steel color. Thanks! ✌️

  2. Thanks for sharing. Perfect way to introduce each specimen. Can you do this for the entire Jean Iseli Garden 😊

  3. Very nice tour! Gives me some ideas for my new lot (unbuildable, so I'm going to make it a private garden). Have some trees in my shopping cart, but I'm thinking I may wait to place an order til Feb or March 2022 to see if you have more things available when you are ready to ship to NC. Thoughts?

  4. It's so amazing everytime I get to see the Iseli garden and maybe one day in person. It's 100% living art and the specimens that they have are beyond what I've ever seen. Thank you for filming.

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