Backyard Garden

Growing 250 Fruit Trees in My Backyard Garden | My Secret!

Growing 250 Fruit Trees in My Backyard Garden | My Secret! I love feeding the fruit trees in my backyard garden with foliar food spray! I have a lot of fruit trees and my yard is an edible landscape! Enjoy the video where I show you my foliar feed spray and give you a small tour of my front yard and backyard garden! 😉

*Purchase the Foliar Food Here (It’s Cold Pressed and Organic):

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Music is: Rhastafarian by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Thanks to Brandon with for videoing this episode!


  1. You are spot on about losing connection with our gardens when we resort to too much technology. It's all about observation and interaction.

  2. Hi Jake. I just ordered your foliar feed period I've used Shamus O'Leary's foliar feed and it burns my leaves. I used it like you said , at dusk bit it still burned the leaves. My Bonanza Peach Tree still hasn't recovered from it.

  3. The only part I cringed on, and by the way I watch your videos all the time you just pick your fruit straight off the tree and eat it, you said "this stuff is organic so you can even spray this on your tomato plants it can touch your fruit and you can still eat it it's just seaweed sea kelp cold-press organic" dude..also your fishes poo water😂..and no disrespect your awesome, love your vids.

  4. I've got that one. It's awesome, bro. I use it on my hydroponic microgreen. 10/10 from me. Cheers.

  5. So you coat all the leaves in fish poop? Never mind washing your hands, your spraying poop everywhere. lol.
    Btw, there is no need to do foilerfeed on the leaves, liquid kelp extract works just fine when used as liquid fertilizer in the soil at the base of the plants. Most of it will just drip of or wash of by the rain (if you have any) and enter the soil that way.

  6. Great video, so envious of your amazing fruit forest you have in your yard.
    I noticed you avoided spraying your banana plants. Do they not like the spray? ive got a few dwarf cavendish plants growing in pots. (they comr in for our kinda cold winters here on the south west coast of canada, very mild compared to most of the rest of the country)
    Thanks again for the ispirational videos

  7. I just got this and a sprayer. Can I add some neem oil to this mixture to fight my bugs too? Or is that a BAD BAD idea?

  8. Hey Jake, I'm not sure if it's organic or not but there is probably a substitute to it. There is a product called Vitamin B-1 and it helps a lot with transplant shock. I airlayered one of my fig trees and when I cut it off, it didn't have enough roots. I diluted B-1 in a bucket of water, soaked it the roots in for about 5 mins then planted it. It didn't even wilt!

  9. Your so luck to live in Arizona. It's warm there, unlike Canada. Summer high if we're lucky is 30 degrees Celsius

  10. Where did you come up with the idea of "foliar food". Is it research that you did, or someone else told you, ? …. maybe from a book you read.? What's the background there? Thanks.

  11. I have been VERY curious about water consumption at your home. What kind of water bill do you see with 250 trees in your yard??? Gallons used???
    Any info here would be greatly appreciated as it helps to contribute to planning/provisioning efforts.
    Thank you,

  12. What's the size of your garden. Can you share a drawing/layout of your garden pointing the location of each plants please planning to start my own garden so please.that artificial pond was really amazing

  13. The reason for spraying on a cloudy day ,early in the mood late afternoon is to avoid quick evaporation of the liquid off the not giving the leaves enough time to absorb the maximum liquid. If it WAS because magnifying effect after every quick that was followed by bright sunshine trees would bust into flames of get all they leaves dry up……@2:40 into the video

  14. You donot need wear any safety glasses when you spray this organic material or may be it is harmless to human body?

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