
Weed Control in Garden | Best Gardening Tips for Fewer Weeds

Controlling weeds in your lawn or garden can be one of the most frustrating aspects of keeping your garden healthy and looking great. Rather than diving right into how to remove weeds, we first start with the best ways to prevent weeds from growing in the first place! John Valentino dispels the common gardening myth that healthy soil equals more weeds – which is verifiably false. The next step is to use organic weed solutions that are not harmful to your soil and soil life. If there are still pesky weeds after that, John explains what chemical products to use and how to use them as sparingly as possible to minimize their negative impact on your soil. Using these tips in tandem with John & Bob’s smart soil products, you will be able to have a healthy and weed free garden of your own! If you find this video informative and want to learn more, then be sure to check out our website ( and follow us on social media (@johnandbobs)! #weeds #gardening #soil



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0:00 Intro
1:09 Fight Weeds With Better Soil
4:34 Mulch for Fewer Weeds
7:07 Weed Killers
9:34 Pre-emergent Herbicides

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soil, garden, garden soil, organic, garden tips, compost, soil food web ,johnandbobs, john & bobs, maximize, optimize, nourish-biosol, blend, penetrate, improve soil, soil food, organic matter, chip chat, fresno, lawn, lawn care, weeds, weed control, gardening tips, weed free, how to kill weeds, weeding, weed free garden, roundup, vinegar for weeds, remove weeds, how to get rid of weeds in mulch beds, pre-emergent, herbicides, mulch, best gardening tips for fewer weeds, john and bobs,



  1. Any practical tips (not including red rider bb guns) on preventing a neighbourhood cat from crapping in my garden?

    Thought of dusting with cayenne pepper.

    Happy Easter!

  2. Thanks. Good information. Really nice garden. I use a similar mulch as shown in the garden and I don't have trouble with it washing away, even during heavy rain after it has settled and in become packed down a bit after a year or so. I also don't use leaf blowers on the garden, so that isn't an issue. It is MUCH better looking than the alternatives.

  3. Hi John, loved this video, I have a wood chipper that I chip all the rose pruning and use that for mulch, what are the sprinklers used in this video? Loved them!!

  4. Hi John : where in the south bay area do you think we could source such mulch as you mentioned : especially the double screened Cedar ?

  5. I have been digging out nut sedge/nut grass for years. It isn't winning, but I'm not either. Is judicious Round-Up the only answer?

  6. Lol the Chip humor—treasurer, vice president, and as of this week, secretary. Haah so cute! 😄🐶 You’re doing just great with your videos and wealth of wisdom 🍀

  7. I want to do this right, use your product but my yard is roughly 15000sqft, meaning over $700

  8. John, are pine needles good as mulch? I’m trying to keep costs down and they are plentiful here in northern Wisconsin. While I prefer the look of dark wood chips, they can get in the lawn mower and are expensive to buy. (I can’t find double-ground ones here.)

  9. Is it true that weeds indicate the type of soil nutrient deficiencies the soil has? If so, could you suggest a resource to match weed deficiency with nutrient solution?

  10. My lawn has lots of crabgrass.i just reseed in may.but noticed many crabgrass growing.i applied blend your product 3 weeks ago

  11. Love your videos John. I go out into my garden several times a day. My weeds are afraid of me, if I see a weed I pull it right then. That is how big I defeat my weed problem. 😆👍❤️

  12. I used wood chips in my vegetable garden, 6" deep. The first year was awesome but the second year I had a lot of grass with long roots and by the third year the roots were so thick you couldn't dig a hole to plant something! I let it all break down and added compost, a couple layers of cardboard and more wood chips in the fall and hopefully by spring it will be much nicer to plant in.

  13. Great content. Glyphosate has gotten a bad rap and my understanding is that the chemical has not been linked as a human carcinogen unless there’s a specific formulation that exceeds the acceptable exposure criteria. That said, people will always characterize it as villainous. I believe it is not mobile in soil which is a good thing. I hate using it and only apply it if there is a tough weed in a difficult to access location.
    Lawn weeds are a pain in the ass. I’m not a prodiamine preemergent fan and like you since I’ve been trying to increase the fungal community in the turf I can now skip spring preemergents, however you are never going to prevent those little pesky buggers coming up especially with lazy neighbors who don’t do any lawn care.
    I spot treat with a combination of Speed Zone and Tenacity with a little sticker spreader. Speed Zone in particular has been effective at air temperatures in the high 40s to low 50s . Tenacity is better at higher temperatures.
    As my soil continues to improve I have seen a tremendous difference in spot spraying. I have to really search for the pesky weeds. I have Clover however is a persistent issue although it’s been radically reduced
    One thing I wish you would have shown via a graphic is that when you have a bacteria dominated soil, it is perfect for weeds. As the bacteria: fungal ratio goes to one : one you no longer have weeds thriving and as you move up to a forest biome with fungally dominated soil there are virtually zero weeds
    It’s easiest to change ornamental beds with your mulch, organic amendments etc. Turf is harder because you have to mow but I have found that if you can apply a quality kelp/humic acid product in combination with compost tea applications you significantly increase the fungal community in your turf and it doesn’t require a lot of effort. You can buy an ortho hose end spray in combination with a filter to eliminate chlorine and have at it. A company called Boogie Brew has a very simple method of getting into compost tea applications and their videos are funny and informative. Also if you core aerate in the fall by all means top dress with quality compost. That’s a phenomenal way to improve the turf.
    Lastly while I can only anecdotally report success. Adding L -amino acids in small monthly watering across everything on my property has been a game changer. I’ve seen such an improvement on plant structure. My research from studies done in the Netherlands is that the aminos boost calcium uptake in all plants in addition to triggering pest response defenses. Again I can only report anecdotally that I love what I’m seeing and it’s not breaking the bank or my back

  14. Your videos are very informative. I have a Bahia lawn in FL that is plagued with three flowered beggarweed. I’ve tried pulling it out by the root and resorted to round up, which kills it but it comes back a few months later. Any suggestions as to how to get rid of it?

  15. This year I used a bagged soil/mulch of mostly small wood pieces. It has matted together, bound underneath by a white fungus. The company says it's a harmless saprophyte. There's also fungus underground where I amended the soil before planting. This doesn't seem to be good. I intend to check out your products immediately. But should I be digging this fungus out or is it actually healthy? Never seen anything like this before in my nice sandy Fresno soil.

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