Front Yard Garden

Bones and All Review

A beautiful coming of age love story about cannibals


  1. I fell asleep on my first watch through of this and both you and Metz invaded my dreams. It was kind of weird.

  2. โ€œLet the Right One Inโ€ is a great, dark vampire flick; with what appears to be a โ€œhappyโ€ ending and its sooooo totally not!
    The remake was not too bad, it skips over some stuff, I guess as to not shock or offend people; not great, but not bad

  3. I cant remember if youโ€™ve mentioned it, honestly as I grow older my memory is turning to mush, but have you guys seen RAW?
    Thats a gnarly cannibal artsy movie, least thats the vibe I got from it

  4. Huhโ€ฆ Metz wearing Newtโ€™s Faceโ€ฆ is it weird Iโ€™m getting Flashbacks to that VHS cover of Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Next Generation?
    You might know the one, the one with sexy leatherface?

  5. Love these long reviews, Bones and All kinda reminded me of Near Dark with the trailer. I'll have to have it on my list when it comes to Vudu. Never stop being you man, plus I did see that Creature From the Black Lagoon at a Spirits Halloween…that sucker is expensive but I'd love if we got a remake, even though you mention Shape of Water which is kinda of a remake in a way at least to me.

  6. I still play Pokemon Go … and I agree when it first came out it was an awesome time. Then the universe took several massive diarrhea dumps all over the world.

  7. Amazing review! The Gengar shade was incredible! A bunch of neckbeards getting beat up and robbed lmao!! This was really a cannibal love story with a creepy old man that ruined everything. You did forget to mention that Sully actually killed Lee's sister and her hair was part of the long knot. He says this before he dies and Maren finds it when she looks at the hair ball. The new Blonde hair. Great movie and great review! You and Metz are awesome together!!

  8. I remember the time when Pokemon Go! was a thing and a friend who is into this stuff came for a party in our shared apartment and he was like, "Hey, I found a blabla thingy at the parking lot. Can I check your apartment, if there are any other Pokemons here?" and I was like "You wanna scan my bedroom for digital chinese cartoon monsters?" and he goes, "They are japanese, dude." and I said, "Oh, alright. Then go for it." and one of my roommates yelled from the kitchen: "We don't take kindly to people who teach us about race when it comes to digital cartoon monsters." and I said "Calm down, Skeeter. He ain't hurting nobody."

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