
Professional Grower Exposes Fake Rose Propagation Videos

Many viewers have contacted me (especially recently!) to ask about fantastic looking propagation videos where roses are grown from flower buds, leaves, seeds or in aloe or potato slices! In this video I’ll go through some of the suspected fake rose videos and discuss how they’ve made basic botanical mistakes – and show you some of the “tells” that you’re seeing staged propagation.

I’ve used videos and thumbnails from some of the “usual suspects” (I’m looking at you Johnson Engleng!) and I’ll be happy to defend the fair use of those clips for the purposes of criticism.

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Photo Credits:

Seedlings by Conall (Flickr) CC BY 2.0


  1. OK show us how it's done??? I would love to make more roses. Senior citizen here. I have the time in the patience. Show me how it's done so I may have more roses. Thank you.

  2. Thank you very much for your warning on these two channels. I'm a new gardener and just mentally wouldn't handle being lied to and me expecting growth within a few days. Thanx a million! ❤

  3. Thank you for this video. I did believe these & I tried the potato treatment & it failed. We do need some one like you to show these fake clips and explain why it is fake. 🙏🏼🥰

  4. Omg I'm so glade I gound you I thought it was real 😂😂😂 I love roses wish I could grow them. But thank you for telling me so I don't waste my time I would of been pissed.

  5. Thanks for discussing these videos! I saw them cross my feed and without watching them thought, WTF, how?! Thanks for confirming my suspicions!

  6. Wow!!!! Even fake gardening videos???? There are fake videos going around about rescuing animals, marine turtles with barnacles, DIY videos with tips that do not work and fake baking, cooking videos. I just wish people would not watch these videos, especially the ones that involve animals. The creators of these videos put the animals in those super, very dangerous situation, to then come and fake the rescue. There are videos of people killing cats and then fake to try to help them. There is a guy on YT that goes around these videos and try to report them and let people know. Same thing with the turtles, where they attach barnacles with superglue to the shell of the turtles and then remove them with knifes. The shell is alive, they can feel if something is done to their shell. It's a disgrace but it's even worse when people believe whatever. Thank you for doing this video and uncover these liars. People,, please, go to these channels and REPORT them!!!!!

  7. ありがとうございます。

  8. This is a trend taking place. They are doing it with babies from India. Terrible. Utube is doing nothing and stupid people give good comments.

  9. This is not harmless because it discredits my work which is scientifically backed and very much what IITA uses to clone yams for farmers by leaf cloning propagation of the yam with best qualities. Those idiotic YouTube farmers should get in another niche. Flowers need to actually be pollinated fertilised and fruits develop containing seeds which in turn needs to mature for any germination to take place. I've seen those nuisances so many times I've started to almost doubt as well. Thanks for the input for clarification f v f

  10. Not defending those videos, but turmeric and aloe have places in propagation.

    Turmeric is great to make sure the cut is and stays clean and helps resist rotting etc. And aloe is great for keeping the cutting moist for an extended period to help roots start. That said, you only ever use them for cuttings and never for seeds as it would be a waste. We used both of those at Tafe.

  11. Thank you for this. Even tho I’ve grown many roses from seed. I thought there might have been some secret propagation method with the buds. The main reason I almost fell for this was because of the attention the fake propagation methods are getting on YouTube atm. Thanks for fact checking & exposing this. You’ve saved me time & probably prevented the disappointment of many who would have otherwise trusted these deceptive channels. Hope you have a good day 🌱

  12. You are right, these videos are harmless, but may discourage beginners. YouTube is also filled with videos using Aloe vera as rooting hormone, which I don't believe it is. In many cases, Aloe vera has a preservative effect, and thought that anything that preserves inhibits propagation.

  13. Well propagating plants from leaves?
    Yes thats a weird option..
    Even thought i think it'll only grow some leaves…

  14. Many years ago I had a rose bush with lovely red roses with great rose smell as well. I saw a video on how to start a new rose bush using a potato. I am not a gardener, but I got a lovely crop of potatoes.
    So while I did not get a new rose bush, I did learn how to grow potatoes.

  15. Thanks! I thought it was odd too! He actually put the bud in upside down! I don't see what the purpose of this is??!!

  16. My first time here and I’m glad I stop by because I’ve tried to propagate roses and I got some to start but they never made. I’m going to try and get seeds out of my roses and do it that way 😊

  17. Thanks! I have seen a handful of those very videos recently. They piqued my curiosity but I watched with one eyebrow raised 🤨 because it seemed unrealistic. Your review of these videos and explanations are very helpful to expose "fake news". There are A LOT of videos with misinformation floating around YouTube and when I see one that is suspect, I always click on the three dots to "don't recommend this channel" in my YT suggestions.

  18. you are too serious 🤔 you should enjoy yourself like coffeezilla when exposing these shalatans.

  19. 5:10 I don't think it is from south Asia. I think it is from south east Asia. I can see hand and background do not indicate south Asia.

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