Container Gardening

Fall Foodscape Container Garden

Fall container gardens: Get the most from your containers and landscape this autumn! Subscribe to the @Soil3 YouTube channel to watch the fall gardening classes!

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Professional horticulturist, best selling author and life long home gardener, Brie Arthur shares expert gardening advice from her central with audiences around the world. Learn to grow your food using organic methods to create a beautiful, bountiful landscape.


  1. This is a vague question but are there cool-season plants that you'd rather plant in the fall as opposed to the spring?

  2. Although the container looks beautiful, when you were planting it you failed to provide much detail regarding the “other plants“. You also assumed that everyone would understand chrysanthemum is edible though commonly in the United States it is not a plant we view as a food item. Your video was entertaining but liked the informative Ness I was looking for in this type of video.

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