Garden Design

7 Garden Design Ideas UK – To make your neighbours jealous

Are you looking for some Garden Design Ideas. Well here are seven design ideas for you and your garden. If you create these ideas you will be the talk of the town and this will make your neighbours jealous.

List of the Garden Design Ideas in this video.

1. Whimsical Water Features.
2. Pondless Water Features.
3. Beautiful water gardens.
4. Formal gardens with clean crisp lines.
5. Informal gardens with paths that take you on a journey.
6. Stumpery’s.
7. Moss gardens.

Hi guys my name is Mark from your trusted resource in the UK for ponds and water features and today what i am going to do for you is I’m going to give you seven garden design ideas to make your neighbours jealous.

Garden Design Idea Number One – What about a whimsical water feature, this could be a figure or a goblin of some description or even a piano that spits out water.

Garden Design Idea Number Two – This could be a pondless water feature that is just basically a self contained water feature were the moving water is recirculating. These water features have a beautiful sound and a very natural feel and are a great element to any garden.

By the way don’t work with animals wait until the end of the video and you’ll see why. Why I’m drinking coffee.

Garden Design Idea Number Three – A beautiful water garden with lots of water lilies you can imagine how many more plants you can grow with lots of water, moisture loving plants, marginal pond plants and a whole range of different water plants that you could not grow other wise.

Garden Design Idea Number Four – It’s a formal garden, clean crisp lines with a sterile environment, black dyed water, there’s a whole array of different formal garden designs with these clean crisp lines.

Garden Design Idea Number Five – An informal garden design where there is informal paths that lead you on a journey, that basically comes to a focal point at the end.

Garden Design Idea Number Six – What about the weird idea of a man made Stumpery. I don’t know how many people have seen the Stumpery at High grove but they are absolutely fantastic. It is pure natural art at its best. Normally they are hidden away underground out of sight. So all you do is basically just stand them up and plant them up with some bits and pieces. This natural element is just really natural. So there’s a real good idea for you to take away.

Garden Design Idea Number Seven – This one is my favourite. A moss garden is up their as one off my favourites so its one that I’m really looking into at the moment. Its basically were you re create a mossy woodland glade or a miniature landscape..

So there’s a lot of Garden Design Ideas for you. My top seven garden design ideas for you that will make your garden the talk of the town.

Now check out what happened earlier when I tried to pre-record this video clip it will make you laugh.

Thank you for watching, My name is Mark from your trusted resource in the UK for ponds and water features.


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