Japanese Garden

What Makes a Japanese Garden LOOK Japanese?

People often ask me, “what’s a simple way to make my garden look more Japanese?” You might think it’s complicated. You might worry that creating a Japanese garden will take years of training and practice. It doesn’t…

If you understand ONE SIMPLE THING about Japanese garden design – which I’m going to show you in this video.

In it, you’ll discover:

– How to harness the “triangle rule” to make almost any part of your garden look undeniably Japanese…

– The best way to plan your Japanese garden (and you can do it just by looking out the window)…

– The common Western gardening approach you must eliminate from your garden…

Watch now for the surprisingly simple secret to designing your Japanese garden.

If you like what I shared in this video, I have something else I think you’ll love. It’s my FREE guide called “6 Simple Steps to Pruning a Japanese Maple Tree.”

Grab your copy here: https://wordistry.lpages.co/maple-pruning/

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