
6 Simple Garden & Orchard Frost Protection Tips for the South (For Cheap – No Electricity Required!)

If you want your plants to live through a frosty night in a Southern garden, here are some simply tried-and-true methods to PUSH THE ZONE!

Check out my book Push the Zone here:

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Cold nights can kill your garden, especially when you’re in a warm climate and there’s a sudden freeze. Here’s how we’re protecting plants through cold snaps. #frostprotection #gardeninghacks We’ll look at how we’re protecting our vegetable garden from frost, plus how we are protecting citrus from freezing.


  1. If you want your plants to live through a frosty night in a Southern garden, here are some simply tried-and-true methods to PUSH THE ZONE!

    Check out my book Push the Zone here:

    Merry Christmas – thank you for watching.

  2. My spindley (one trunk/stem) Sour Sop froze last year. They sprouted multiple stems from the roots and grew into 5' bushes this year. So I will be more focused on the banana, lemon and other plants this time.
    Thanks for the suggestions!

  3. Thanks 😊 I’m about 2 hours north of you. Just ran outside and raked and covered. So glad you popped up

  4. Expecting worth wind chill -15 in NE Bama… now that it's dark out I see you posted an hour ago …oye. did what I could. Mulch, frost cloth, blankets, turned over pots over plants.

  5. 😀🌱🐢Stay warm y'all. Push the Zone is one of my favorite audio books.

  6. I appreciate your work. Sometimes though I’m envious of the trials and tribulations you have down there. I will say though you give an abundance on information that I can still use up in 5b. Keep it up!!

  7. The trend down here in Florida is tropical fruits. I'd rather not bother at this point with some exceptions. I gotta grow a couple tropicals but with everyone covering everything right now it's too much of a hassle especially when a ladder is required. I planted a lot of plants that make shelters that I can use them to cover things.

  8. Covered everything with leaves and sheets held with clips and rocks in the garden. Overnight in SW Arkansas we're expecting 6 degrees with a windchill of -20.
    The wind is brutal here right now. Hoping all my frost blankets and sheets don't end up in the neighbors yard 3 acres away. 😂
    Merry Christmas, everyone!

  9. And the warmth of this tiny car. I love when people say adoring things about their children.

  10. Hope you survive. I am trying to arrange back surgery. Felice Navidad!

  11. Mid-Missouri Zone 6A It is -3 degrees F here. I have a few things covered, like the fig bushes. Ours only get 4-5 feet tall as they often freeze to the ground. I did put a cardboard box over some elephant garlic plants that were about 6 inches tall; they will probably burn back, but come spring and they will grow again. I think that our figs are probably the only ones in Howard county.

  12. Ah man Dave. It's gonna be burly! I've been watering heavy every night for the past three. Had to work all this week so tomorrow is my only day to prep and cover. Best of luck to y'all this weekend!! Merry Christmas!!!

  13. First high wind damage in central Florida now a freeze…Son of a diddley as Ned Flanders would say….
    My big potted Jaboticaba just got its first blooms ever…also worried about the palms, veg garden and everything….
    not good. Stay frosty is an old saying but lets not in this case…

  14. Thank you David. Here in northeast Florida we’re expecting the low 20’s on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday mornings. Merry Christmas and may the Lord Jesus bless you and yours and keep you safe.

  15. God bless you, your family and everyone's gardens from now into & throughout 2023… amen… so be it!!

  16. Trying to look on the bright side…

    I've had an overload of earwigs this last year.
    So now-
    I'm hoping ALL the earwigs freeze to death.

    🤞 it's unlikey 🤞
    But a girl can hope!

  17. Thanks for your good information! I hope the folks that bought our home will think kindly of the trees and pineapples that we left! God bless you and your family.

  18. Thank y'all use this next time. Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas and a fruitful new year.

    P.s. could have used this a week ago. 🤣🤣

  19. Thank you David. We have done some of these tactics already and have learned a few perles for next time. Our pepper plants are living in the house for the cold snap this weekend. I loved the Thumbs Merry and Bright at the end. Merry Christmas 🎄

  20. Thanks David! I hadn't thought about using leaves. I have a full bed of oregano, and I was hoping to save it. 20's here in Central Fl. for 3 nights. Merry Christmas to you and your family. May God continue to bless you, as I know He will . 🤗🤗

  21. I'm in Florida, zone 9b, and grow in containers. Pulled out all the sheets and blankets today to cover everything tomorrow afternoon. Hoping most of my garden makes it through.

  22. This freeze makes me nervous with 2 days barely getting above freezing. Hope I don't loose my citrus in the orchard. From the looks of it, you're going to be in good shape.

  23. A lot of volcanoes went off this year. Wonder if this is start of a long, cold winter ahead.

  24. NC mountains zone 7a. Supposed to get down to 4° tomorrow night. Whaaaat? I have covered my raised veggie beds with every bit of fleece and sheets and blankets and plastic I have. They threaten me with -40° with windchill tonight. Buzzards. Bright spot. Bet there won’t be any psychos out playing pickle ball next to our house tomorrow.

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