Japanese Garden

Tojo & The Empire of Japan Documentary

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  1. More war crimes should be known what the Japs did to POW’s and civilians but that’s been swept under the carpet seeing the Yanks took all their chemical warfare stuff from unit 731 and like anything else….. all forgotten the war crimes committed!

  2. I know Tojo is a war criminal, but those Japanese military personnel would not have given up their lives for "Tojo," if you know what I mean. So effectively, the one who "could" take them out of violent behavior is someone above "Servant Tojo," perhaps their god? Many people try to disregard Tojo, who was willing to die for them. He tried to end his life while writing a letter of loyalty to that god; that should have told us something.

  3. Ужасный перевод на русский язык, особенно перевод числительных – вместо 100000 переводят 100 и так повсеместно по тексту.

  4. >rebelled because shogun opened ports to the west, proceeded to become a modern country when they won LoL

  5. this only shows that the americans did a lot of things to anger the japanese and paved the way for war

  6. Judging by the barbaric behaviour of Japan to its Asian neighbors, they would have most certainly also ruthlessly treated Caucasians. I doubt that many Americans wanted a war with Japan, but just as with brutal communist atrocities there seems to be little choice. There are no man-gods, and any society who worships man as god is in error. ethermail

  7. Well they were criminals and tried to exterminate both the Chinese and the Filipino peoples it was correct to use the atomic bomb on them they were defeated and they would not stop fighting my father may never have come home from the war if they did not use such a bomb against them. They started the conflict they attacked us and no one gives a God damn about them or Mr Tojo God May forgive him but I won't.

  8. The idea that Japan was forced to take action against the Allies only holds water IF you argue that Japan had to right to invade China, occupy Manchuria and abuse the Chinese population. Consideration especially to the US must be given in that they offered to normalize trade if Japan withdrew from occupied territories, an idea that Tojo and the Japanese military simply couldn't fathom. Just as it is today, trade with other nations is a much better path to influence than war mongering. An idea that to this day is a foreign concept to Russia which has never given up their path to World influence through threats, bullying and instigating land wars. As to the claim of a US empire in the Pacific, it should be noted that in the 1930's the US and the Philippines had begone negotiations for Philippine independence and the withdrawal of US forces.

  9. I see you as manipulative and partisan, in that Tojo ,like you or I; was of his time ,following the dictums of an era, demonstrated by the powers of the day and yet refuted by those same powers when faced with a facsimilie of theire own making.For instance .Would America dare to condem the japs if they had bothered to observe thier own history with regard to slaves, mute point you may say,.But we are all looking over our shoulders, at what is happening round us. final point being, If a nation is raised to the cost(cost) of war.Someone must pay the price! So it has been, so shall it be!

  10. I'm sorry that the Japanese government behaved in such a way that required other nations to bring such destruction to bear against the people of Japan.
    The embargo could have been lifted anytime Tojo quit violating other nations, without war. Don't pussy on my back and tell me it's raining.

  11. Manchuria occupation and Nanking Massacre happened before Tojo's reign as Minister of War and Prime Minister. Manila Massacre also happened after his resignation as Prime Minister. He cannot be blamed for those. however you can blame Tojo for Pearl harbor attack. Tojo is not dictator or evil leader, but Hirohito is. Tojo is merely a scapegoat for Hirohito's evil

  12. The Japanese went to war to get the resources they needed to go to war to get the resources they needed to go to war to get…

  13. The most important question here is whether or not Japanese Nationalism will rise again. I'm pretty sure it already has. People are people. The horrors of WWII were committed by ordinary folks just like the person in your mirror.

  14. China still hasn’t forgotten Nanking and other atrocities committed by the Japanese. And China will never forget. The Japanese will be looking over their shoulders at China for decades to come.

  15. Just ask the 25 million dead Chinese, the torture victims of the Japanese military, and millions of dead Japanese civilians how was Tojo. Blaming it on the Americans is more of British thing (your thing) than those of the Japanese

  16. The history of Japan controlling Southeast Asia seems more interesting to remember, history from 1942-1945… then Japan rose to become a producing country to this day.

  17. At least Tojo should not be treated the same as Hitler. Hitler was involved in everything from the formation of the Nazi Party to the causes of World War II and the Holocaust, while Tojo was simply the leader during the Pacific War. By the time Tojo became Prime Minister, the war in the Pacific was inevitable, with the Tripartite Pact between the Nazis and Italy, and the invasion of Indochina causing conflict with the US. I get the feeling that he was simply forced to take responsibility for all of this. The blame probably lies more with his predecessor Fumimaro Konoe than Tojo. In the case of the Nazis, it is possible to shift the all blame to Hitler alone, but in the case of Japan it is difficult to say for sure who is the root of all evil. Matthew Perry may be responsible for forcing Japan to open up to the rest of the world, because of which Japan became an imperialist country.

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