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Elon Musk reveals a humanoid robot at Tesla AI Day 2022

At annual Tesla AI Day event , Tesla CEO Elon Musk revealed the company’s prototype robot meant to revolutionize their assembly line. The robot was only able to walk on stage and wave to the crowd. Then Elon and his team showed what they hoped for the production unit to look like once it’s ready.

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  1. These one day to be bad boys will be worse than nukes..mark my words..if they eventually take on a mind of their own and can repair them self and do anything at all without human help…we are in trouble🤷‍♂️

  2. Im thankful there is somebody like Elon Musk in the world, working for the good of humanity.
    Got to be careful tho, AI can be extremely dangerous, we must be their friends.

    Hopefully humanity can get a colony on mars before anything wipes us out.
    God bless Elon Musk and may he save us.

  3. Elon Musk the social warrior is silent on civil rights.
    The CCP is accused of human rights abuses, forced labor, and genocide, among other crimes against humanity.
    Will you stop making the CCP wealthy & leave China Tesla

  4. I can't help but feel they are going at this the wrong way. There's obviously a lot of things they are not telling us, but if it really only has one processor than to me that seems like the wrong way to go. You should have individual processing units for different tasks, like a visual processing, balance, walking, sound processor, etc, that all feeds back to one central processor that oversees everything on a higher cognitive level (like a human brain has different areas dedicated to one task). Without knowing the details of their hardware architecture it's impossible to say how effective this is, but I feel based on what they show that this is going to have serious bottlenecking issues.

  5. When they release this. Wont this robot put millions of people out of jobs such as cashier, warehouse operator, bus train and taxi drives.

  6. the greatest trymphe man will experience will have to be over religion its difficult to stand without a belief system i think

  7. Whether Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter was a good decision remains to be seen, and depends on what he does from now on.

    First of all, it seems that there is a positive aspect to the purpose of allowing various voices to be heard.

    However, it may not be a good idea for Ilon to get away from his job and engage in unnecessary political intervention.

    Also, competing unnecessarily with Apple doesn't seem very wise.

    Elon wants to return to his original intention and be faithful to his main job.

    Above all, do your best to pioneer the future and contribute to the peace and prosperity of mankind.

    Everyone expects Elon to do the same.,,

  8. I guess I better start polluting and ripping off my fellow man to add this to my trinket list.

  9. Keep in mind that this is Tesla’s first demo of a robot. Elon’s tech evolves incredibly quickly. I wouldn’t dismiss this.

  10. Hola hermoso. Algo muy especial no he make im he Good men humand Word ok person discapacidades NO WALK USED sillas I SILLAS INTELIGENTES adaptables tall theys usted table job silla ajustable con movimientos paralelos Subir bajar NO se una máquina movible por un descapasitado esos SERES NO PUEDAN ADAPTARSE Y OBTENER MEJORES TRABAJOS como cualquier persona mAS solución life usted more job Descapasitados Thenks BENDICIONES

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