
Holzhausen wood pile, Garden Tips, New Puppy – May 3, 2015 Update

I walk you through some of the chores I’m working on in the garden and pass along some tips for working in yours. I’ll introduce you to my new puppy Theo and show you how my hoop house woodshed is coming along. Finally, I’ll show you what the wood fairy brought me. This video is going to cover a little of everything.

Link to Boxwood Pruning Video:


  1. melted wax/bees wax works good for covering the ends of the wood so they dont crack from rapid drying.

  2. Great video! I have a huge garden in my backyard now blooming and I'm having massive issues with carpenter bees, which I am familiar with. Now that I have a huge half acre of nothing but gardens I am having difficulty finding the queens nest and I think they are coming from next door neighbors. Any advice??? We've caulked all holes in our fences and have about 50-100 bees in the afternoon. My husband and I bought our new home for the gardens but the carpenter bees are ruining it!!

  3. All I mill is white oak, so I would be interested to know how much slower it is than some of the softwoods.  I don't have any softwood like pine or fur on my property but tons of white oak!  If you happen to mill some of the white oak make sure you let me know how it went comparatively!  Or better yet film it! lol  Great springtime video!

  4. Hey I don't know if you know or not, but try not to mill lumber from the heart section of oak.  The heart is where the cracks originate, so if you cut a board from it it will crack fast.  If you already knew sorry! lol

  5. Great well done videos. White Oak and Cherry are my favorites. The milling industry uses Anchorseal to seal the end of logs as "soon" as they are cut. Even then some cracking will happen. Just assume the ends of the boards will have to be cut off. Use those in your firewood pile.
    Waiting for the video on your Bobcat repair on the leaking valves. I have the same machine you have.

  6. Cracking update! LOVE your pup Theo… far more adorable than our 'orrible pair that murder my lawn for fun! 

    The weeding tool you used looks similar to the Japanese Hori Hori… larger hilt though, is there a reason for this? 

    You forgot the link in the description … ;o) 

    Updates on what you're up to are great… don't miss the usual instructional goodies mind!

  7. Good golly! Just read the post prior! Good info! Thank you, I really look forward to some new pruners! 🙂

  8. White Oak: hard to cut (dulls chains and cutters) hard to split (gets stringy) heavy to move…. but one of the best to burn. Burns long and hot. You have a nice pile there, and yes I also hope winter is a long, long way off for you too. Living in Florida now, winter doesn't really mean much to us. We are from the formerly great state of Connecticut, chased out by high, in the astrosphere tax load.

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