Japanese Garden

Weird looking bonsai technique – Japanese maple

In this video, I do some structural work on my Japanese maple clump-style’ orange dream’ using guy wires to reposition the breaches.


  1. I plan on doing the same thing with a load of maples I've bought from morrisons and B&Q next spring. Got a few different types like along with orange dream, looking forward to seeing what happens.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey Tony, wicked potential on this. Such a great way to create JM bonsai even the pros do it. Pretty sure Walter Palls famous JMs were created like this originally, and I saw Byorn posted his OG one on Instagram lately which looks very nice. All the branches look very slender to juxtapose with the trunks gives a very old appearance. I'll do something similar with mine I think. Are you on Instagram btw?

  3. Merry Christmas mate, are you on one of the Facebook bonsai groups like Bonsai UK or British Bonsai Club?

  4. She a lovely looking acer tony!!
    I managed to get a b and m Orange dream for half price about a month ago,it's the one I did the air layer on,I did another air layer on it as I'm going to gift one to my mother In law once its rooted.
    Did a bit of wiring on my butterfly Acer too trying to give it a windswept vibe.
    I've also grafted cuttings from all 3 of my acers to either field maple or sycamore rootstock don't know if it'll work yet although I did them a while ago,kept them in giant Ziploc bags and the grafts are still green and flexible…..so fingers crossed

  5. That is genius Tony it does what you intended easily, plastic bowls serve the purpose, there seems to be quite a a bit of die back on them but that’s no problem there will be plenty of buds to work with next year, looking forward to seeing how they get on over time. All the best for Christmas and a fruitful new year mate.

  6. Great idea Tony! I have been using wood to separate my trident maples but I need something better to separate the branches. Thanks for the great demo.

  7. That’s not so weird Tony. It’s tried and true. I use a slightly different method. I cut an inch of tubing and split it lengthwise. I put it around the twig in the spot where I want to pull it over. Then using about half the amount of wire, I take one end and place two turns around the branch. The other end goes through the hole in the pot rim. It works well and preserves tubing and wire. This will be super in about a year.

  8. I wonder if you could do a similar operation to the stem/roots just below the wire where they intend to fuse. This would create an instant root flare??? What's funny is most of my trees and landscaping has strings and wires like this as I love to tinker with branches! One question, do you wound the trees at the junction to help them fuse?

  9. Good results. I use guy wires a lot on trees that scar easily. This tree is going to look great. I'm planning a couple of clump styles this spring. Right now my tree babies are under a foot of snow! 😞

  10. That was 20 min of my life i never get back mate 🤣 haha i done the same last year and you got to bend them more and keep the wire on much longer
    Thats my experiences with this method.
    Merry Christmas Tony!

  11. Something so simple, going to change this tree completely. Will look stunning cant wait to see it once the foliage comes out.

  12. Great video Tony. I think this will workout pretty good. Time is the true factor though, may just have to let them sit for a year. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I use this same technique for willow branches to achieve the weeping look….doesn’t do any damage either….otherwise they grow straight up.

  14. ❤ Well done, Tony. Looks like mine. 😄👍 I use a circular wire round the pot to fix the branches instead of drilling holes, but this looks quite good as well. It has also proven to move the tubed part to a slightly different position,from time to time, to avoid scaring. Happy to see your results. 🙏🙋‍♀️ Kind regards

  15. Hi I'm liking this idea, I personally think you should just leave the tree to just grow as is for 2 years and just feed and water it, then remove the trunk wire which I think will help it thicken up the trunk at the base,

    Your videos are like Fred Dibnar does Bonsai!!! Rest is wonderful soul!!!

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