Container Gardening

Summer Garden Update 2020 | Container Garden | Zone 10b

The heat has been unbelievable out side here in South Florida. Luckily the shade provided by my bamboo and Moringa Trees offers quite a bit of shade through out the whole day. I feel lucky to have some things surviving in this zone10b heat. Very exciting was that I also realized that I have a few of the MiGardner wildflowers began to flower. For those of you wondering where my little squirrel friend has been as we thought she was with babies and after having them in my shed they moved immediately and haven’t seen them since.

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Fort Wilderness Ricky


  1. Looks like things well except for the eaten tomato. Wonder who did that. lol That grasshopper looked like he was just chillin. lol Love the woodpeckers. They are so cool. Thanks for the share.

  2. Your lettuce looks yummy! That was one big grasshopper! Yikes! But, I love the bunny! We have cottontails around our place here. Our garden is struggling along. The onions and potatoes are all doing really well. The zucchinis don't seem to appeal to the gophers or deer, so are slowly growing. My beans got eaten down for the 2nd time, so I give up on them. Next year I'll plant them up on the deck. Take care, Niki!

  3. At first I thought that rabbit was a rat lol. You really have a nice variety of critters. It's too bad they demolished your maters.

  4. Love the graphics… fun and interesting. Was that a grasshopper.."cooling out"? Ok that was a Pilelated wood favorite….named for the Pie shape of his head, the biggest of all wood peckers… very rare here……thanks…love seeing that

  5. Love seeing those Moringa trees, but look at those woodpeckers in the pine! Do they drive you nuts? I always love the way the look, but that tap tap tap lol.

  6. The good thing is if SHTF, you will have food available. LOL. How cool is that? LOL. LIKE #15! Stay safe. 👍👍👍

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