Garden Plans

Christmas as an Introvert

Read two of my Christmas Poems Here:

Follow Me Elsewhere:
instagram: @_rubygranger
tiktok: @rubygranger8
goodreads: Ruby Granger
My Stationery Company:

Frequently Asked Questions:
πŸ˜‡ How old are you? 22
πŸ“ What are you studying? I just finished studying English Literature at the University of Exeter. But we are students for life, and I hope that I will continue learning even though I am out of structured education.
πŸ“šWhat are your favourite books?
πŸ“ Have you written a book? My life goal is to be a published author and make a living from writing and I am using this year to gain experience, build up a portfolio and work on a book with my agent. I have just finished the final draft of that book, as you can see in this video. I did self-publish a book about bullying when I was seventeen which is available on Amazon (, but I’m slightly embarrassed by it now!
πŸŽƒ Do you have merch? I don’t have merch in the traditional sense (I can’t imagine selling something with my face or name on haha!), but I do have a stationery company where I sell planners for students. These are all designed with students in mind and follow models which I’ve used when planning my studying. Our products are printed in pastel colours on recycled paper:

Notion Page with templates, discount codes and space to leave feedback:

Tea Recommendations:
🍡B&B Chocolate Digestive Tea:… (affiliate link)
🍡 Dragonfly Rooibos Earl Grey:
🍡 Whittards Chelsea Garden:
🍡 Pukka Cleanse:
🍡 Newby Jasmine Princess:
🍡 Fortnums Yellow Buds (my favourite ‘fancy’ tea):
🍡 B&B Coconut Milk Oolong:… (affiliate)
🍡 B&B Rhubarb and Custard:… (affiliate)
🍡 any kind of chocolate tea πŸ™ˆ


  1. when i go on a solo 8 hour hike across the open countryside or a 6 hour long canal walk on my own or a solo travel adventure i get called all sorts by family because they are not introverts and prefer to socialise with others.

  2. You ..u living like a really fairytale life 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  3. What a lovely, calming video at a busy, somewhat overwhelming time of year. I unfortunately work in retail and seem to live in an area where Christmas brings out the greed and not good side of people, but this has given me some comfort that Christmas does involve kindness, slowness and simplicity somewhere in the world. I hope you are able to take time to recharge and give yourself compassion, especially around the panic attacks. Merry Christmas (or just have a merry time if you do not observe Christmas) Ruby and anybody reading this.

  4. It's very good that you're talking about panic attacks but they don't come out of being an introvert. You might have a social anxiety.

  5. This video reminds me a lot of the secret garden movie, especially when you were walking the path through the trees.

  6. Wonderful video. Love the cinematography and the editing as well as the thoughtful words. Wishing you and yours a merry christmas.❀

  7. I really love watching your video's; they give me motivation!
    I also like to lay in the snow for a little bit!

  8. πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸŒΊπŸŒΊπŸŒΊbeautiful πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

  9. I love your videos! It’s crazy how people really don’t understand introverts.
    I had someone call me antisocial recently and it really bothered me. I’m not antisocial, it just takes me a lot longer to open up and I listen more than I talk. But I try my best to connect with my friends and people around me. Being critized or ignored when I’m constantly putting an effort is very hurtful. Your videos make me not feel so alone, thank you!

  10. Me encanta la tranquilidad y las formas en las que trabajas para evitar cuestiones como el pΓ‘nico o lo que sea. Gran trabajo para la gente.

  11. I’m an introvert and quiet/alone time is a deep set need. I can’t turn it on or off, it’s simply a part of who I am. I love people but like you it can become overwhelming and I must then take a break in order to reset the inner me. Without that reset it can become a bit much in the same way you found in London and panic ensues.

  12. Ruby, thank you so much for making this video, especially talking about your panic attack. I'm autistic and find it hard not to get overwhelmed with social activity over Christmas. sometimes I need to retreat and be alone with a book.

  13. i think people confuse mental illness with introversion too often. introversion does NOT mean being shy, or anxious or socially awkward.
    introvert isn't a disease lol. it's simply just needing to reload energy by yourself and then go out and be with people, and people drain you. that doesn't mean you aren't around people. and it doesn't mean you have poor social skills or you're so anxious you have to go home.
    those things aren't related. AT ALL. if you have these things going on inside, it's not introversion, it's illness or lack of skills.

    it's also NOT a personality? don't label yourself with such a thing. being introverted is not all that you are, and if you keep telling yourself you can't do things because "oh I'm an introvert, i don't do that" that's really unhealthy.

    you're just a person, where social interaction drains your energy. if you feel others things, like anxiety, don't confuse that with introversion. the two are not linked.

  14. I have adhd and really struggle to do things, but your videos have really helped me this christmas. I have managed to take time wrapping christmas presents for my family, take my dog for long walks and read and paint more. thank you x

  15. i really enjoyed the cinematography of this video, very calm and relaxing. Im spending my first christmas fully alone and watching your videos to get in the festive season while writing christmas cards ^-^ really nice to rest your brain and body, especially as a fellow introvert

  16. Aww what a lovely video Ruby 😊. I'm 32 years old and I'm only now (should of done ages ago) starting to say no to so many social gatherings.

    It can be hard as my family are very extroverted and love to go out and drink but I'm the quiet introvert in my family so I never want to seem like a party pooper lol but I'm now learning that although of course I love spending time with my family I need some alone time to unwind as well πŸ™‚.

    I'm sorry to hear about your attack as well, this year it was the first time my anxiety has been really bad because of something personal in my life and I had my first panic attack over the summer in a supermarket and had to lock myself in the bathroom until I calmed down πŸ˜…. Hope you're okay now

    Hope you , your family and everyone else on here has a lovely Christmas/holidays
    😊 xxx

  17. As an autistic person who struggles with social interaction and has a need to recharge, I feel all of this. I find that being with mt family is in many ways as good as being on my own.

  18. I loved this video 😊 do you know the sewing machine model name, have been looking for one for a while and this looks perfect!!

  19. Merry Christmas Ruby – and thank you for the gift of YOU!! I found your vids earlier this year, and they have been incredibly comforting. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  20. Thank you for making this video. Being an introvert I always find Christmas difficult as I always feel pressured to do lots of socializing with people.
    Last night I too almost had a panic attack. I was invited to meeting up for take away with a friend. I thought it was just going to be the two of us but ended up being almost a dozen of people half of whom I dint know. It was TOO MUCH! Especially with people directing lots of questions at me as I was in a sense the new person there. At one point it felt like the room was spinning and I had to control my breathing to calm myself. I woke up this morning feeling a bit depressed.

    Sorry about the long winded comment, seems like I just need to vent. Merry Christmas.

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