
Scheduling. Increase your turnover, UK Gardener. #gardening #garden #lawns

Hello You Tube, it’s Rob from Maxwells Grass Cutting Services, based in the North East of England.

Today I want to talk about scheduling. Is it better to fill your diary with regular maintenance customers. Or would you be better off, leaving one day per week free for the big ticket jobs, that pay more than a days maintenance work.

Let me know what you think.

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Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you. Thanks for supporting the channel.

Remember, when the green gold is growing, keep mowing.

All the best.



  1. Love the channel Rob, merry Christmas to you and yours, from Belfast. I've just started my journey, before lockdown started, not new to horticulture, but new to self employment. Your videos are indispensable 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾

  2. I would have thought it would be easier on yourself to do 4 days maintenance Rob and one day a week to do the ticket jobs buddy to try and maximise your profits buddy have a fantastic Christmas all of you won't you Rob and I wish you continued success in 2023 buddy

  3. Personally I like to do those extra jobs as regular maintenance can become a bit mundane, yes they can be a double edged sword but on the whole they keep things fresh. Have a good Christmas and all.the best for the new year. 👍🎄

  4. Hi Rob, very interesting question. I keep the one off tidy ups to a few times a year, usually in winter, as they're such hard work. I always take a younger person and charge well and per the hour, as have been caught out with under quoting, so always add few extra hours or double it. Quite right about Christmas, too much stress, it is about spending time with loved ones and catching up with friends. Have a good break and thanks for the chats.

  5. Hi Rob
    I personally have 3 days a week for regular maintenance and 3 days for one offs. I tend to leave bigger jobs on my maintenance jobs and ask to do them as an extra. (Such as trimming work, planting) So even if one offs are slow to come in I can always ask my regulars to book them in for extra sessions and a lot of them are happy to go for it.
    I also tend to offer them extra thing at this time of the year such as, gutter clearing, mulching the beds, pressure washing, pointing pavements etc.

  6. I work my business around the kids school hours (20-25hrs a week) so regular, hourly paid work is best for me. I can then plan my weeks work well ahead and know where I'm going and how much I'll make but it's whatever works for you…

  7. Merry Christmas Rob and all the best for the New Year. Your videos are a joy to watch and you always have a great attitude and a smile on your face even when something hasn't gone to plan. Looking forward to all the new content next year.

  8. Hi Rob I used to do one off Wednesdays in my younger years and hedging jobs on Saturday mornings ,.now at the 59 , my jobs are now regular fortnightly or weekly 5 days a week , all the best

  9. Merry Xmas Rob, i leave Mondays and Sat mornings for ad hoc jobs, handy if you need a day off too. They are always full with something or other. Tues-Fri mornings are weekly clients with the fortnightly ones in the afternoons. If Carlsberg did customers they would all be weekly 😀

  10. Hi Rob. What a year its been !
    Anyway. Onwards and (hopefully) upwards. The maintenance question. I fill my book with regular work. If anything else comes along I fit it in either after my maintenance or the weekend. But regular maintenance always takes priority for me.
    Best wishes for Christmas and the new year from me and mine to you and yours. All the best. Gary👍

  11. Mon-Thus mowing. Get all the mowing done as quickly as possible then use the friday for other work. Rob, I remember you saying you did mon/tues/thurs/friday mowing. And the Wednesday for off work, But what happens if you lose the Friday due to heavy rain? I think its best to get all the lawns done as quickly as possible at the start of the week. You can always postpone the one off work for a week or 2 if it rained but cant with grass cutting. All the best for the new year Rob. Keep up the videos 👍

  12. Being senior service, I just work 6 day weeks & go diving on the 7th
    Bit can understand your work ethic being an ex pongo! 🤣 😂 😎 👍
    Merry Christmas and a happy 2023 to you and your family 👌

  13. Merry Christmas Rob, ty for all your help in helping me take the plunge and start my garden business this spring. Loving it, thanks mate and may I wish you every success in the new year.
    Smiley Gardens

  14. Hi Rob merry Christmas have been following you for a while and basically I do a mix of regular and one of jobs almost every week and swap it around Monday and Tuesday would be regular jobs one week and then the following week it would be the Thursday and Friday on a fortnightly basis the other 3 days are more one off jobs which get charged at a day rate of £300 with waste disposal on top how did I get my day rate simple by doing 10 to 12 lawns a day which at £25 to £30 depending on size of lawn where giving me a good income.

  15. I agree rob. Sometimes my days are that full there’s no time to get any spare jobs in for the customer, and if I do add in the extra job it sort of scuppers the rest of my day up. Interesting idea with the 4 day week. (Providing you can fill the 5th day)

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