Backyard Garden

2017 Backyard Garden Tour, Episode 3

Here’s the 3rd update on my 2017 Backyard Garden Tour series!
After a hail storm and gusty winds have wreaked some havoc on my garden, the plants are starting to recover!
The tomatoes are doing great and the grape vines are filling in nicely! Please join me as I show you all that is growing on in the garden.

This year, I am growing:
Potatoes, tomatoes, corn, garlic, peppers, snap peas, bush beans, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, cucumbers, hot peppers, ginger, beets, apples, peaches and pears!

Thanks for watching and please leave any comments below! I’d love to know what zone you live in, what you are growing in your garden this year and if you have a video tour of your backyard garden, I’d love to see it!

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  1. Happy Easter everyone! Thought I'd take today to update you on the garden! Please let me know how your garden is doing. Than you for watching!

  2. 8:20 your peas do what mine does is dry at bottom. I'm starting to think because we are in warmer climates (cali) they need to be planted earlier. Maybe even in jan on my package I think it says that early too.

  3. Happy Easter to you also*** your garden looks amazing !!! we don't have anything growing yet, I am in CT so its still pretty chilly here. I do have a green house though and have started seeds, I started Heirloom Roma Tomatoes, cucumbers and Heirloom Peppers, the peppers are orange, red, yellow. My husband just planted radish today and we planted kale, and 2 different lettuce today. Our apple trees look like there are buds but out fig tree died ๐Ÿ™
    great great update, always enjoy it

  4. First year growing onions from seed as well as tomatoes from a slice, the tomatoes grew pretty slow and finally started sprouting more stems and was looking healthy, (although they dont have much girth) but the leaves been being droopy so im not sure whats up with them. This is my first year gardening, i also been growing some pumpkins and yellow squash, im going to try peas too. Only problem is that the temperature is'nt always hot here in Indiana. And nice video as always!

  5. I was disappointed with this summer's corn crop (I'm in South Australia ). I planted an entire packet of seeds but only 1 corn stalk came up. It produced to ears which looked great. As they looked so good, I've resisted the temptation to pick them but am letting them dry to use as seed when I plant in late August or early September.

  6. I'm growing black cherry tomatoes and tiny yellow tomatoes [about the size of large peas] from seed on my windowsill at the moment. ๐Ÿ˜ it's been really sunny lately, so they've both set flowers already. and I only planted them in february. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ wish me luck on a good harvest !! ๐Ÿ‘โœจ ps: I live in germany, and the weather can be quite moody in spring. ๐Ÿ™ˆ

  7. Great video as always. Thanks for the update. Your tomatoes look great. Greenhouse looked awesome as well. Looking forward to next video.

  8. I'm transitioning my strawberries to hanging planters so the pests don't get them. The berries dangle over the sides of the pots UNEATEN!

  9. Yum your strawberry's! Looking way good all around. Cept aww broccoli. This is my first year beyond having my usual of tomatos peppers & squash. Heh.. i have well met thhat white butterflys relatives! Tonight i put some light weight bird netting on newest bed.. in attempt to thwart that butterfly.

    i have always enjoyed cherry tomatos. This year doing rapunzel & million cherrys. Plus beef steak & also brandywine. All the timatos have put out several flowerr sets.. but i have pinched them off. Waiting on the fruit so plants will get a tad bigger first.

    Long growing season here.. just north of dallas. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy gardening & be well!

  10. hey rob !! I have a little emergency, and I wanted to ask for your opinion.. today I put my tomato plants outside for the first time. it's sunny, but a bit chilly. as I went to look for them a few hours later, they looked all weak and floppy. :'( now I'm afraid they won't make it..

  11. Since you were kind enough to ansewer my question on someonew else's page, I have subscribed and enjoyed your garden tour, I'm in central florida here. didn't see any okra or lettuce there??? lol. Thanks again.

  12. My broccoli plants are torn up from caterpillars too. ๐Ÿ™ Think I think I'll try them in containers this fall.

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