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Day[9]'s Day Off – Dwarf Fortress P1

Today, we are playing Dwarf Fortress ALL DAY! I’ve watched videos, but never played myself. Depending on how today goes, I might even do another full day before break action begins 🙂
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  1. After playing Dwarf Fortress for about 10 years now, and always convinced from the moment I started playing that this might be the best game ever made, it's so heart warming to see all these new players getting into the game and having !FUN!.

  2. I'm all for a simulation game play where Day9 has more incentive to pay attention and focus. He's always so ADHD about RimWorld.

  3. Within the first 45 seconds, man states, confidently, "For any of you who are unfamiliar with Dwarf Fortress, this is the most rich, deep, remarkable simulation game that has ever existed… period." You don't know DF until you've played DF. Glad you got to try it out for the first time!

  4. Okay, it's over. Day9 just became a Dwarf Fortress exclusive channel. Sorry, but that's just what happens once you play this game.

  5. On my first, and current, run I just decided to build an above-ground wooden inn and tavern instead of an underground fortress. And the game just lets me do that. I have 50 staff and guests at the moment and have built a three-story wooden inn with tavern on ground floor and accommodation above. The inn is named "Wayward Paths" and will accept any travelers to stay. I don't do any stoneworking or metalsmithing. I just keep the place full of food and booze and let everyone party.

    My population is growing a bit so I think I will build a few houses across the road for my higher-class citizens, and a Sherrif's Office and jail. Get a nice little wild-west-style town growing.

    And, yes, I know I'm gonna get in trouble with the elves for chopping down the forest, or attacked by goblins, or some big monster at some point but that's fine. I'll just restart in the same world and maybe one day revisit the ruins of my first settlement. Might send a few elves off first to make an elvish forest nest somewhere.

  6. Funny surprise I had one my first run. Everything going fine, then suddenly an alert that someone had died. I went to location and it was one of my woodcutters who hadn't gotten out of the way of the tree he was felling. So, workplace accidents ARE a thing! I guess with better management I will create teams of workers who specialize in the appropriate skill in the future.

    Oh, and I threw his body in a ditch behind a hillock so others wouldn't have to look at it, and now his spirit is haunting my inn. So I have a haunted inn. How cool is that?!

  7. Are you the host of the magic the gathering show on Geek and Sundry? You look very familiar at any rate 😉

  8. Day9, the greatest storyteller of our time playing the greatest emergent behavior game? Count me in

  9. On the right clicking to close menus, PoE does a similar thing with the spacebar. Inventory, map overlay, passive skill tree, whatever you have on your screen, spacebar makes it disappear basically without fail. In a game with so many different menus it's really nice to have.

  10. You have no idea my level of excitement when I saw this video! Dwarf Fortress is my favorite game that I wish I had time and a computer that could play it. It’s amazing.

  11. I just want to say that DF is THE absolute best game ever made. It's as fun as it gets, you can be creative, get a huge laugh, share your stories with other DF players, it's amazing. The devs should really open source it when they retire, because this amazing piece of engineering (this is the most incredible simulation ever made – including scientific ones! ). Huge thanks to the Adams brothers for making it, and again for making it so easy to use in this version.

    This is a true product of love. I really don't know how something as good as this can be created again, it's a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

  12. Absolutely correct that the difficulty of DF is overstated. I taught my non-technical wife the classic version (with a tileset) in an afternoon because she loved the idea of the game. It's really a teaching barrier. Anyone who knows a few basic concepts can have a sustainable impregnable fortress up quickly. The controls of the classic version are all prompted on screen – they are just odd and occasionally inconsistent. There are few hidden features, and plenty of great tilesets were (are) available.

  13. FYI to viewers – if Dwarf Fortress looks too intimidating for you, try waiting until they release Adventure Mode for the Steam Version. I found it to be waaaaaaaaaaaaay more accessible managing only ONE person as opposed to an entire colony of dwarves, lol.

  14. I'm surprised that Sean went through and did all the tutorial stuff in one block. When he was playing… oh heck, I forget the game, but it was a zombie apocalypse'y AAA title, he spent a fair bit of time critiquing the tutorial for putting him through "Hey, here's this mechanic!" and "Hey here's this other mechanic!" without giving him the opportunity to actually use the things he was being taught. Maybe it's the genre difference that makes it better here, but it feels like Sean is opting in to doing the same thing to himself here. XD Still, glad to see him having fun!!

  15. Did you ever finish Outer Wilds? I remember you enjoyed it, but we only got two episodes.

  16. Food (gathering, farming, fishing etc.), Building Materials (stuff, somewhere to put stuff, Social ops), Army Construction (tools, tactics, leadership). Seems strait forward to me. 🙂 This is a civ builder, not a caveman squat. You want a hospital it's not gonna be those 6 squares… it needs supply closets 9-12 squares full of chests, patient rooms, offices etc. That said you start with 7 bodies.

  17. Ha, the cat having such a complex personality must one hundo percent be a bug, and it's EXACTLY the kind of bug we DF veterans know and love.

    At least, animals never used to have such extensive personalities.

  18. …. to me this is not complex enuf… I want Dragon Ball Z mods + 50 races ability to create antimatter and travel to other galaxies , as well as be able to transform anything into basic matter components , fission fusion matter to create indestructible OP alloys…

    And I want everything milkable

  19. When I came back to finish this video, the thunder in the background kept making me think it was real thunder as its just muffled enough to sound right through my headphones… That's pretty cool.

  20. I'm actually really glad this was your first video. It was so nice going through the tutorial by listening to you Day9. It's been a while since I watched some of your content, but glad I did. Good to be back, hope for a full series on this game. Love ya man, keep it up! Liked, for sure.

  21. 9:12 "And we have two cats" – Two Cats – this reminds me, that we can get a better shot of the Thermonuclear Catsplosion with these graphics now.

  22. "This game doesn't seem all that much more complicated than Rimworld"

    Oh boy. Oh Sean. Dear. You have no idea. Rimworld is maybe like 5% of what Dwarf Fortress is.

  23. Loam is a MtG card, must play for Dredge decks.
    Also, I love that the ~ is to suggest an approximate number, you don't actually know how many whatever you have unless you keep good records, which requires a dwarf to perform that job. Otherwise it's just a guess, "eh, about 20?"
    Btw, Tarn has said in an interview that people that play the game are more like QA, the real enjoyers of the content are the people that watch or read the stories.
    As the game tells you, losing is fun!

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