Japanese Garden

3 Best Japanese Gardens in Kyoto, JAPAN

Kyoto is the most traditional city in Japan and there are a lot of beautiful gardens.
So I made this video to introduce My choice of Kyoto’s 3 best Japanese gardens.

For people visiting Kyoto with limited time, I hope this video is helpful to choose the garden to go to.

For more information, please check the official websites and Google Maps below.

Saiho-ji Temple (a.k.a Moss Temple)
(WEB) http://saihoji-kokedera.com/en/top.html
(MAP) https://goo.gl/maps/hA8JW95BmGSPmaYa7

Enko-ji Temple
(WEB) https://www.enkouji.jp
(MAP) https://goo.gl/maps/eCFBDpcKapbPc5bB6

Daigo-ji Temple
(WEB) https://www.daigoji.or.jp/index_e.html
(MAP) https://goo.gl/maps/FCU3UmQvFVEqXGjM9

To deepen your understanding of Japanese gardens, check my other videos too!

About “Rock garden”

About “Moss garden”

About “Pond garden”

#japanese_garden #rock_garden #zen_garden #moss_garden


If you like to me to guide you in Kyoto or other areas, please feel free to give me a comment😊


  1. Hey Kenzo, I really like your choices for the 3 best gardens Kyoto! My favorite is Enko-ji! It really has everything I love in a Japanese garden; gravel garden, moss garden, bamboo forest, maples, a beautiful view of Kyoto, and a suikinkutsu! I would like to visit Saihoji next time I am in Kyoto, it seems so peaceful!

  2. maniac choice!

  3. 全く知らなかった京都の新たな一面が見ることができました。ありがとうございます!私たちも英語で日本を紹介する動画を作成しているのですが、プロの方の説明の仕方や動画の作り方はとても勉強になりました。これから勉強させていただきます!よろしくお願いします(^^)

  4. Путин, у нас не командование, а сплошные пижоны, отберы у них погоны, почему Харьков еще стоит.

  5. Magnificent! Are bamboo forests common all throughout Kyoto? I am planning my first trip next year and I will search for a ryokan that suits my needs. If you can recommend for a solo traveler that would be great! RJ

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