Japanese Garden

Wild & Wide Awake Free Documentary Nature

The first part of the spring journey takes us from the Spanish inland to the rugged Atlantic and to the Mediterranean. While the North is still covered by snow and ice, here, the first signs of the awakening show up. Rabbits with their young, flocks of cranes, colorful bee-eaters, courting bustards as well as extraordinary exotic species – all enjoy the warming sunrays. We travel further, through the French Provence and into the Alps: flamingos perform their bizarre dancing rituals, wild horses storm through the wetland, meanwhile groundhogs wake from hibernation.
On its way to the North, the spring transforms Europe’s landscapes into a blooming garden. It appears in all of its tempers, stormy and misty at times, then again balmy and bathed in light.

It is the most exciting time of the year and we often await it eagerly during the long and gloomy winter months. We think we know what it is like, yet it has many appearances: the spring in Europe.

Europe stretches for over 5000 km South to North, and in the same way as climate and landscapes vary greatly along the way, so does the spring show its different faces all along. We follow it from lowlands to mountains, from the midland to the sea, from the warm Southern countries to the very North.

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