Gardening Supplies


8 ways to prepare for the next year, start preparing now. In this video I discuss starting to prepare and different goals or resolutions for the new year. I discuss 8 ways for both those new to preparedness and those who are a little more seasoned, to get started and or elevate your ideas. Preparing for next year is a normal thing for a lot of people but this year it is important to keep preparing and deliberately including preparedness goals.
Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on this topic and discuss anything you would like to add.

1777 S Burlington Blvd. #408
Burlington, WA 98233

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Survival Garden Seeds:
Use Code: MAMABEAR10 for any of the following kits:
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Home Garden
Farmer Seed Vault
Microgreen 5 Kit
Microgreen 10 Kit
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Disclaimer: I am not sponsored in any way by anything or anyone I discuss on my videos. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases when you use any links connected to my Amazon Influencer Page. Additionally, I am also an affiliate of several great companies like Mira Safety & Refuge Medical which does mean I get a small commission should you decide to use one of my links. No pressure at all. I am just a prepper and mom who prepares daily for emergency situations. I am not an expert, nor am I a doctor. You are advised to never take my words as educated or as the survival or medical expertise. I merely talk about what me and my family do and how we prepare to give you ideas but I urge you to always do your own research before acting on anything and/or purchasing anything I might mention to be using or doing myself.


  1. Fort Lewis was a facility that I was at during my time in the Army beautiful area were you ever stationed at Fort Lewis?

  2. Best info video I have seen in awhile.
    Sharing for sure. It's just started snowing this afternoon near Indy. 14 degrees and diving. We had rain first so nervous about the roads. We wont be leaving the house for awhile. Praying for everyone.

  3. Thank you you again for another terrific helpful video.
    Compliments on your Christmas look—very pretty!
    God bless you and your family!

  4. 3” screws for every exterior doors 🚪 Wasp 🐝 sprays inside doors 🚪! God’s Blessings keep praying and stocking up ⬆️ 🧂☕️🍵🍸🍾🍚🥫🫕🍜✏️📓🧻🧼🪥💊🩹🧽🪣🛠🪚🪓💵🧯🎚🛢🪜🙏

  5. Tasha I've wanted to talk to you about this for awhile. Have you heard of Thrive Life? It's a very small company in utah(but blowing up the freeze dried world). There different because they flash freeze at the the time of harvesting so all the nutrients are there. No preservatives No Fillers and No astronomical amout of sodium. I researched the company products then I personally jumped in as a consultant. I wanted the perks. I did this for my own use at the time. You can get milk butter powder cheaper. But, I will use theres first and put any others away. I use the fruit and many veggies daily. Only way I'll give my dog blueberries.
    This is my link. No hassles No pop up chats, but you can go look at them, check out the company, and there #nutrilock promise. I have tried some of those survival companies meals. There additives,sodium to me, will kill me😊

  6. Merry Christmas and God bless you all. I pray that all the peppers stay warm and safe. Have a Blessed Christmas with family and friends.

  7. Keep up the inspiring vieos, MammaBear, Tasha.

    New Preppers will really appreciate how $5's worth of the 50cent canned veggies and a bag or rice or lentils. Gallons of water. You can drink your CPAP distilled water if need be – however- not for long term as it will leach the minerals out of your bones. ( Read up on that.) I have powdered hydration packets.

    Did you know that you can sprout lentils and even popcorn? That will give you something fresh and the fresh will taste so good. It is so easy to sprout.

    I am growing another batch of potatoes in a large toe filled with dirt. New potatoes are so yum!

  8. Thanks Tasha! Love seeing how your new chickens are doing! I’m so happy for you, my hubby isn’t there yet on getting chickens. But, he definitely sees the light on me stocking everything the last 2 years, he sees all the crazy people at the store right now, but we at home, we good. We don’t need nothing, lol. West Michigan here, storm bearing down on us, 3-4” of snow so far, tomorrow’s supposed to be the worst day. Got eggs from the neighbor farmer lady. Wood stacked up at the fireplace, kettle and pots are full of water, laundry and dishes are done, house is vacuumed, I don’t want to be needing to do any of that if we lose power in the winds they’re predicting. Candles are staged, we’ll fill the tub with water for toilet flushing. I mean honestly, in Michigan, in the countryside, this is nothing new to us. You just learn to live prepared, and we have so much more peace for it. I organized the closets today, rotated the winter outdoor items, labeled my soup section with their dates in the pantry, it makes a huge difference to be organized! Thanks for all the tips, reminders and new suggestions MamaBear! I’m hear for it all. Merry Christmas everyone! Stay safe!!

  9. All great tips & reminders. I like you had options for each for beginners & more advanced folks.

    On perimeters, don’t forget to secure that pull down cord in the garage & always lock the door from garage to interior. Google it, you’ll see some easy ways to prevent one of the most common intrusion spots. I didn’t know just how easily a bad guy could access that pull cord from outside the garage & be in my house lickety split without anyone noticing. Fix it this weekend for whoever you spend Christmas with!

  10. We keep filled water bottles by all 3 toilet and 5.6 under our sinks have to water catch barrels but still learning and needing to buy more prepping is a constant learning

  11. Your mind is so fertile- so impressive! Always a wealth of information! Thank you… Christmas blessings to you and yours 🤍

  12. I started to learn food preservation this summer. I am so glad I did. I have been canning and dehydrating since. I love adding green powder to my soups. It makes everything smell so good while it is cooking.

  13. I have been prepping for a few years. I don't have a lot of money. When I started out, I would watch the grocery store sales flyers ( still do)that come weekly. I'd only buy food that's on sale because I couldn't afford it otherwise. But when I'd find a good sale I'd buy a lot of it. I started with boxed macaroni and cheese, then flour, yeast, baking powder and soda. Soup, first store bought then progressed to making and canning my own. I've always had a garden but the last few years it's been small scale. In the coming year I'm planning the largest garden of my life. I'm 65. I'm not in good health. If I can do this maybe you can too.

  14. Do your research guys…I was looking for more water barrels. I happened to look on Amazon (yes expensive), but I looked at brand names in the description of product and looked up one of the brands and found out they are located 10miles from me. I called them up and got a price for four 55gal drums picked up at same price of one on Amazon, which also wanted to add shipping. Look around locally, it may surprise you. I found my water drums, 5 gal buckets and lids, 55 gal drums with removable lids, hand pumps, drum tools and etc…all cheaper than a regular store or online. Search around. 👍

  15. Oh my goodness… this will be lengthy, but worth the read for some. Coming from a long term prepper, homesteader, and herbalist, starting out can be costly, so keep all this in mind:
    Water: remember also, you can use non drinkable containers like milk jugs to store water for flushing toilets.
    Food: Always buy something extra and stash it. It doesn’t matter if it is just one extra item. Also learn to harvest yeast from the air.
    Garden: I would not recommend buying vaulted seeds and storing them. They are not packaged right and need to breathe. Also the viability decreases year after year. I would get heirloom or non GMO seeds and plant at least 1/4th more than you would eat and save the seeds. A good book is “Seed To Seed.” Also, try to make your own fertilizers by making bone meal, ground egg shells, ash from a clean wood fire, animal poo like cow manure, urine diluted 1 part urine to 10 parts water and that is if you or the animal are not on any medications. Charles Dowding has wonderful books on no dig gardening, and is on YT as well. Learn to preserve all your garden harvest.
    Holistic Medicine: You can definitely buy herbs and oils, but do you know how many free medicines there are in your yard or woods? Plantain grows in every yard and is an excellent plant for it’s healing properties. Look up what you have in your area/state first and forage! Rosemary Gladstone makes wonderful books for adults and children. Also learn about colloidal silver (antibiotic) and learn how to make it yourself!
    Cooking: I would recommend a Dutch oven and learn to cook outside, a rocket stove can be made with coffee cans, a sun oven is great and if you can get the official “Sun Oven” you can cook a roast in the middle of winter in Canada even. You can make a sun oven as well. Research! You can even build an outdoor oven. Don’t rely on always having fuel or electricity.
    Hygiene: will be important. Make sure you have what you need and don’t forget to buy extra sanitary pads for storage as well as diapers. Keep them dry and secure in bins when storing. Mice love to chew on cardboard and things like this.
    Paper products: excellent to have TP stored. Also paper plates and plastic ware if you are in a situation where you can’t use water. Also, get some cloth and make napkins or use old towels and washcloths instead of paper towels. Boy will you save a ton of money!
    Use and Reuse: wash your parchment paper and ziplock bags and reuse them. Same with aluminum foil. Also, when you are about to throw something away, ask yourself if there is another use for it. Save those bread bags for when you need to make your own bread, for example.
    Wrapping Things Up: Learn all the skills you can. Learn to sew and mend, cooking, gardening, homesteading, maintenance, prepping, building, DIY anything you can think of and share your knowledge with others. You do not need to feel anxiety over not being prepped, just start! It doesn’t have to cost as much as you would think if you do things yourself. This isn’t a race, it is a lifestyle change. You CAN do it! Take the word can’t out of your vocabulary!
    Bonus thought: If you can, raise rabbits, a few chickens, or quail for a meat source. Rabbit poo is excellent for the garden. It is not pretty to cull an animal (this is for people who are not vegetarians don’t judge) but this would give you a protein source. Small Nigerian goats will give you milk and cheese. This is only if you have the means and space.
    Good luck to everyone. Just learn… knowledge is power. Blessings to all!

  16. Good tips. I am a seasoned prepper. Sometimes it is hard to look at the big picture and see gaps b/c we have been doing this for so long.

    This year our BIG goals is to finish installing our DIY house off grid solar. After that I think we will get the Jase medical kits. We did have a few big events happen and ran up our credit card so getting that paid off is HIGHEST PRIORITY.

  17. My neighborhood has a Facebook page and people put free stuff out all the time, and then they put it on Marketplace. So get on all the Facebook pages, freecycle, Craigslist, etc.

  18. Excellent video. Something for everyone. You put a lot of effort into this. Got me thinking about stepping up my game. Thank you. Waterheater went out. Of course Xmas weekend. All good. Boiling water 😃

  19. Some women collect shoes, I collect garden seeds. Lettuce is so expensive, that I’m going to do my best to grow it under a grow light in the kitchen window.
    There is a dollar seed site online that sells heirloom garden seeds and I have been so pleased with my orders. Put in my 3rd order today.

  20. Is anyone thought about seed saving this summer? Ya, it’s a ways off, but planning is important and you can save money, share seeds, seed swap, at that good stuff.

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