Vegetable Gardening

North Texas Vegetable Garden Update – Early July

North Texas Vegetable Garden Update – Early July

Welcome to North Texas Vegetable Gardening and Cooking with Hillbilly Jilly.

Here you’ll find guides, tips and information on #vegetable #gardening, #cooking, #canning and long-term food storage.

I show you how to prepare classic comfort #food #recipes along with new recipes proven to satisfy and delight. You’ll learn how I grow all organic heirloom vegetables from seed to harvest to preparation, free of pesticides. Grown as nature intended in my Texas #garden.

#Home DIY projects, spring and fall vegetable gardening in north Texas, garden planning tips and information of all sorts are being added every week to help #people succeed as gardeners, learn to #cook and add new recipes to their cookbooks!

Learn about canning your vegetable garden harvest. We show you how to pickle jalapeno peppers, make hamburger dill pickles and much more.

I also go over in detail, how to save your seeds for next year’s garden; save and preserve your cumber, squash, zucchini, cantaloupe.

I hope you enjoy my videos – I try to bring you useful #life tips and how to guides on all things gardening and cooking.

Please feel free to leave a comment, subscribe #today, and thank you for dropping in!

Hillbilly Jilly

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  1. I’m west of Ft Worth and my tomato plants are hanging on for dear life like yours are! My peppers are green, but not producing anything. I’m just trying to keep it all alive through August!
    What do you use to keep the squash bugs away? They absolutely destroyed all my zucchini plants a week or so ago. I sprayed with neem oil a couple weeks ago but I think it was too late.

  2. I feel for you, Jill. This is my first year at attempting to garden, but I'm starting with containers and doing a couple varieties of bell peppers and tomatoes. Despite watering, my tomatoes are toast. My peppers are doing better than expected, considering the winter-to-summer transition. Notice I didn't say "spring". Very weird. Good luck with the rest of the season. Can't wait to see what you have in store for your fall garden. I think I'll attempt to try one.

  3. I think they say there's a chance of rain just to give hope. I watch the rain go all around me. I've done all i can do or afford to do to try and get a harvest. Hopefully i will get some cantaloupe and watermelons if i keep them alive. Everything is wilting in the heat and the stink bugs are getting the few tomatoes.
    Paid a big water bill trying to keep the corn going and it ain't that great. Not watering anything else now. just to dry and hot.

  4. Sorry Jill Mother Nature haven't been treating you guys well up there but you keep going save what you can wish we could send some of this rain down here in Houston area up there to you we getting plenty good luck with your garden try to have a nice day and stay cool

  5. Oh, Jilly your ground looks like you have had a earth quake, yes, the weather this summer has been rough, I'm going to plant a fall garden too, I will be keeping up with yours too, I have never seen a Mexican squash, I need to find the seeds, God Bless.

  6. My TX garden hasn't done amazing but it's surviving. No green beans still, but I have gotten a lot of squash. I have to water it at least once a week though.

  7. Oh girl, that is sooo awful!!! Praying you have rain coming! We are getting some rain, but it has been way too hot. Im fighting disease on all my tomatoes and they arent producing well. You are right, it has been a weird year for gardening. Could you run some soaker hoses out there on some of your crops? I dont know if that would help, but at least maybe keep it drying out completely.

  8. Same at my factory garden and hope to do pulling and clearing this week.Yellow squash did good and got 50+ pounds. Cherry tomatoes were a pleasant surprise as they made well over 200. Creme peas came in at 4 quarts. Okra gave a taste but not enough to freeze.Cukes were bad as was zucchini.Sweet peas and bush beans:zero.
    In the heat we've had all the water in the world really doesn't help. The plants themselves just wither and die starting at 95.At 100 you can call it done.

  9. Sorry to hear that you are having a tough year in the garden. Let's hope and pray for some rain soon for you. Thank you for sharing

  10. Your welcome. Glad to always pray. Not sure if you were able to check out our channel and subscribe but thank you in advance if you already did. I hope you have a good day!

  11. Okay, I don't feel so bad for nearly falling in a crack in my garden the other day. This north Texas soil is so much fun.

  12. Jilly, so thankful to have found your site. We are relatively new to TX (from Ca), and I'm trying to plant a garden. It has been frustrating to try and find out what grows and what doesn't. I thought it was me…but kind of thankful EVERYBODY has issues fighting the heat and drought conditions. Thank you so much for all the great information!

  13. Talking about weird… I finally attached a funnel to the underside of my box airconditioner at the back of the house. When it drips, it just makes a wet patch, and this year… 2020, its been quite humid as well as hot… so I attached an old piece of garden hose and dragged that accross past the back doorstep and laid it on the ground under the Red Oak. so at least if the darned thing is going to make a puddle, it will go to good use… and we won't be creating a soft spot, or even a mosquito breeding spot on the long very humid days.

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